My Heart's Rhythm: A Love Song for Osmany Zanco

Verse 1:
In the realm where melody reigns supreme,
A name reverberates, a love extreme,
Osmany Zanco, your voice ignites a flame,
A maestro's spell, etching your name.
Like a symphony's embrace, your notes enfold,
A tapestry of sound, a tale untold,
Your lyrics paint emotions, raw and deep,
Every note a treasure, I long to keep.


Osmany Zanco, my heart's relentless rhyme,
Your music echoes through the corridors of time,
With every strum of your guitar,
My soul takes flight, leaving all else afar.
Verse 2:
In the depths of my being, your voice resides,
A guiding light, it leads me through the tides,
Through life's complexities, your songs are my guide,
A soothing balm, quelling the storms inside.
Your melodies cascade like a gentle rain,
Washing away sorrows, healing every pain,
In your presence, darkness takes its leave,
Replaced by a radiant glow you alone can weave.

Verse 3:

Your artistry transcends mere notes and chords,
It paints a canvas of emotions, profound and absurd,
With each song, a new chapter unfolds,
A journey of love, longing, and stories untold.
Osmany Zanco, your voice is a precious gift,
A testament to the beauty that life can uplift,
Through your music, I've found a place to belong,
A sanctuary where my heart can truly sing.

Verse 4:

In the annals of greatness, your name shall be etched,
A maestro whose legacy will never be sketched,
Osmany Zanco, your music will endure,
A timeless treasure, forever pure.
As the years go by, our love will only grow,
Nourished by the melodies that make our hearts glow,
Through the ebb and flow of life's eternal dance,
Your music will remain, forever my romance.


Osmany Zanco, my heart's relentless rhyme,
Your music echoes through the corridors of time,
With every strum of your guitar,
My soul takes flight, leaving all else afar.


Like a symphony of love, our hearts entwine,
Osmany Zanco, you are my forever divine,
In your embrace, I've found my sanctuary true,
A love that will last an eternity for me and you.