Renting a Luxury Apartment Can Save You Money

The recent instability in our economy has left most people questioning whether now is a good time to move. If you find yourself among those thinking it might be better to stay put even if you aren't happy, think again.

While the investment of moving into a new apartment can be steep, it happens to be lower in most cases because of the economy. Think of it this are second guessing searching for a new Boston apartment because you might not be able to afford 1st month, last month, a security deposit, and a broker's fee. Well landlords are feeling the pinch quite hard because of this line of thought. As a result, no fee apartments are becoming commonplace as well as lower move in costs. Plenty of Boston landlords are only charging 1st and last month's deposit in order to entice renters.

Now what may have seemed like a steep price has suddenly become a bit of a steal. Avoiding a fee and a security deposit can go a long way to making your Boston apartment search not only affordable, but a great deal. These types of savings are most easily found in Boston's luxury buildings...Have you ever considered living in a Boston luxury apartment? Now is the perfect time to lock in a lower price in some of Boston's most desirable high rises. Many of these buildings only charge first month's rent when moving in so you can scratch off paying last month and a security deposit altogether. On top of this, most pay the realtor's fee.

This can leave to initial savings of thousands of dollars. Say for example you are renting a $2,000 luxury apartment instead of a $2,000 apartment from a standard not paying last month's rent, a security, or a fee, you are saving $6,000 up front. That's quite a bit of money. On top of all that, there are some buildings that are offering a free month's rent if a prospective tenant sign's a lease by a certain date. That's another 2k saved myra .

Luxury might have seemed out of reach if you weren't educated to the facts, but when you do the math, it can in fact be a better deal than a standard apartment. Do you pay for a gym membership? Most luxury buildings have gyms in them and their use is free to tenants. That's another sizable saving per month. Do you pay for a parking spot? Some buildings in Greater Boston include parking in the rent. Do you pay for utilities? Most luxury buildings include them in the price of rent. Do some calculations to see what you are paying for extras where you live and see what you could be saving. It all adds up to a great opportunity to find a better deal.

Of course there are plenty of other amenities offered in the majority of Boston's luxury buildings such as pools, courtyards, cafes, and even movie theaters. These might not save you money, but hey, it's always nice to have a swim after a long day at work. Opportunity is knocking; you just have to be listening for it.