Bye bye beye gyiy


  1. We should teach etiquette in schools.

why did it?

Imagine a world where everyone you meet carries themselves with integrity and respect for themselves as well as others. Everyone is considerate and thoughtful of those around them. The stranger in front of you holds your door when entering an establishment. The waitress always receives a "please" and "thank you" when waiting tables. Is this a world you would want to be a part of? I definitely would. Students should be taught etiquette in schools. Etiquette should be a mandatory subject because it teaches kids to respect each other, communication skills, and would help make the world a more enjoyable place.


These days it seems as if there is a general lack of respect for one another. Children talk back to their parents. Teenagers make fun of each other. And adults disregard that the person they are interacting with has feelings of their own. If people had learned to act in such a way that reflects a proper understanding of etiquette, the world would look a lot different than it does today. People of young and old would have mutual respect and kindness towards each other.

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It is a lot easier to interact with someone who speaks in a thoughtful manner than one who uses their words carelessly. If we teach kids to use phrases such as "please," "thank you," "may I," and "you're welcome" at a young age, then I believe that they will excel in life. Who wouldn't want someone to acknowledge them with such graceful words? I believe that how you speak and what you say says a lot about your characteristics. Teaching kids this at a young age would be beneficial.


Life would be much more enjoyble if people were considerate of those around them. Childern could go about their day giving polite greatings to their teachers and peers. Those will be the same kids who hold the door open for person behind them and apply the table maners they learnd in class when at the dinner table. 


In conclusion, etiquette should be a mandatory subject in schools. The childern in schools right now will be the future of the world. We should teach them to treat others with kindness and respect. The small act of teaching childeran table maners or to say "please" and "thank you" will take them a long way.