National Friendship Day

Do you have one of those friends that you just can't stand, but you love them anyway?

We all have friends who drive us crazy. They do things that we find annoying, they say things that we don't agree with, and sometimes they even hurt our feelings. But even though we may not always like our friends, we can't imagine our lives without them.

Friends are like family. They're there for us through thick and thin. They help us through tough times, and they make us laugh when we're feeling down. They know us better than anyone else, and they love us unconditionally.

So if you have a friend who drives you crazy, don't give up on them. Love them anyway. Because they're worth it.

Here are a few tips on how to love a friend who drives you crazy:

  • Accept them for who they are. Don't try to change them. Just love them for who they are.
  • Focus on the good things about them. Even if they drive you crazy, there are probably some things you love about them. Focus on those things.
  • Set boundaries. Let your friend know what behaviors you're not okay with. This will help them to understand what you need from them.
  • Talk to them about how they're making you feel. If your friend is doing something that's bothering you, talk to them about it. They may not even realize that they're doing it.
  • Be patient. It takes time to learn how to love someone who drives you crazy. But it's worth it.

Friends are a gift. Cherish the ones you have.