Frankenstein's creation should live

Although many people may disagree with me but I think that Frankensteins creation should live. The reason being because the creation still has alot to learn. More importantly though it still has feelings and emotions. If its just like any other human than why would we let it die or just kill it ourselves?

The main reason Frankensteins creation deserves to live is because of the fact it still has emotions and feelings. Although we might see him as a killer people who actually care about it see it as a child. As seen in the film when it was playing with the little girl the creation was having fun and was trying to become friends with the girl. You could see the happiness in its eyes. However when he threw the little girl in the water you could clearly tell by its facial expressions that it was scared and worried. It also tried to run because it probably felt sorry about it felt sorry about what it did. The creation also shows anger, which is an emotion. When Frankenstein's assistant was torturing the creation it felt threatened. So can you really blame it for killing him? Not to mention it was also scared when the town's people were burning down the windmill. The creation was desperate to get out of there. But unfortuneatley it didnt have the knowledge to make a proper escape. Which would lead us into our next point.

The creation still has much to learn. Although it is made up of old body parts it is still only 2 days old. You could clearly tell that the creations mind is still young. Besides it has a abnormal brain.