360Cyber Wins Best New Cybersecurity Consultant Award

Cybersecurity attacks are on the rise and if you haven’t taken the time to secure your data you could be next.


360Cyber Security Consulting Company has won the award for being the very best in the industry at detecting and preventing cyber-crimes.  This firm from Hazel Crest, IL was founded by IBM certified Cybersecurity Analyst James Moore.  They were having difficulty trying to secure the IT Security jobs in the larger cities in the United States.  James decided to go global and that's when the idea of 360Cyber Security Consultant was born. 360Cyber started out in February 2021 by providing services that are geared towards helping companies keep their data safe from hackers.  They've come a long way since that time.  They are now regarded as one the top three IT security consultancies in Chicago today.


What does this mean for the firm?  It means that in the event you want to be a cyber-consultant, you will need to look and act like one.  This means you need to undertake the mission that they laid out for you and do it to the best of your ability.




One of the things which they specialize in is network security.  They are experts at protecting businesses from having their personal information stolen.  They have the tools to find out what is going on with the computers in the business network.  They are responsible for determining how to protect those computers and what to do if there's a hacker trying to get into the system.


When you work for a security consulting firm, you are an investigator.  You are searching for evidence to use as leverage against a company that is accused of cyber-crimes.  There are people who are attempting to steal information from the company's computers so they can use it to steal money or use it for their own purposes.  That is why you need to be prepared to stop it. Read More Here new cyber security consultant award


When you are investigating a possible case, you will have to look at everything.  You will need to take a look at what the intruders are doing, where they are doing it, and how they're getting in.  As an investigator, you will need to learn how to get to all of this information quickly and efficiently.   Using a 360Cyber Security Training, you can get into the inner workings of computer systems and how to prevent intrusions before they even begin. For example, there are software programs you can buy to help you protect your computer.  You will be provided with the software and instructions for the installation of this software.  There may be a time when you need to update or modify these software programs, especially if a new version becomes available.  It is important for you to keep up with the latest security applications because new ones are constantly being developed to prevent hackers from getting into your system.


In addition to preventing hackers from getting into your computer, you want to try and prevent them from getting access to it in the first place.  There are a variety of different things you can do to prevent a hacker from getting onto your organization's computer.   Another would be to change the passwords on your email and other reports also.  By taking the right precautions, you can limit the chance that your company is going to become a victim of cyber-crime.  These are simply some hints given by James Moore the creator of 360Cyber.It is with great pleasure that Worldwide Tweets issues this award to 360Cyber for Best New Cybersecurity Consultant for 2021.  You can see their site https://360cyber.co and find out how they can help protect your business or home.


Get more information:  https://worldwidetweets.com/360cyber-wins-best-new-cybersecurity-consultant-award/