Motivational quotes

The dictionary defines happiness as a mental and emotional state which gives a sense of joy and contentment. Though not tangible, it is the most sought after goal in all of our lives. After all who doesn’t want to be happy? We all look for ways to be happy and are ready to spend time, energy and money just to have a chance at being happy in life. All of us yearn for that perfect recipe that can enable us to taste happiness for the entirety of our life.interesting articles to read Happiness means different things to different people, which is why it is almost impossible to build a ‘one size fits all’ model for achieving happiness. Having said that there are still some guidelines ,some very basic principles and practices which can aid us on our path to achieve a sense of euphoria.

I have read a bit on the subject, and have come up with a list of rules that work to make me happy in the toughest of times. Listed below are some fairly simple and easy to imbibe first steps that you can take and embark on your journey towards ecstasy.

Happiness is a choice: this may seem like an oversimplification, but in my experience, it actually works! Every single time! You can train your mind to calm itself in the most tumultuous situations and just choose to be happy. Every single morning, as soon as you get up, tell yourself “I choose to be happy today.” and see this small affirmation making a big change in your life.
Happiness is internal: Simple yet again. But it is so profound and powerful. The moment you attach your sense of happiness to something or someone else, you take away all the power to be happy, from yourself. Things and people cannot make you happy, you alone are in charge of your happiness. Never forget this.
Self Love: practice self love, consciously, every day. Make this your life’s mantra. Dont be too hard on yourself and learn to forgive your mistakes, and remind yourself that you are enough. Fill your cup with love and joy, and let it overflow, work on yourself to be truly happy.
Pause: Yes!! Stop everything that you are doing right now and take a pause. Breathe and express gratitude for being alive, shout it out. Thank the universe for making you, you. Fall in love with your uniqueness, and happiness will soon follow.


Be your best friend: Always encourage yourself to chase your dreams. Love yourself like you love that special friend in your life. Be there for yourself to catch the fall, be kind in times of failures and celebrate your success. Never, ever berate yourself. Always know that you deserve to be happy.
Sometimes the simplest of steps lead to the greatest of victories, try these out for yourself and notice the change these rules make in your life. These are all easy to follow and tried and tested ways to be happy.

A technically sound person pursues a target or milestone and when he fails in it, he gets saddened. Is that depression? Certainly, Not. But when he thinks of the failing occasion over and over again, relating to the future degradation which he would be facing; obviously, that is a mental pressure he gives himself which we call it by the term “Depression”. 


Depression is the etymology of a Latin word “deprimere” meaning “Press down”. It is like pressing ourselves down through mind thereby creating an illusionary fear. Actually, society is a calming factor that leads to a peaceful and disciplined life. But the studies conducted by NCBI indicate that society programs that have been crafted for the well-being of the people have some depressive symptoms too. 

Depression and Black Hole:

 Nowadays, People consider “being worried” or a “temporary jam in life” as depression and they get afraid. To be more specific, they are depressed over their illusions that they have got depression. The fact is “Depression sounds different”. Let us compare it with the Universe. Universe is a beautiful creation and so is mankind. It has various creations like pulsars, stars, planets and other beautiful celestial formations. Likewise, humans are packed in with multiple emotions like Happiness, Sadness, Agony, etc. 

Despite all the blissful creations, the Universe has a threatening “Black Hole”. Depression in mankind is a Black hole. The Black hole contains in itself all the celestial bodies. Once sucked by the blackhole, no celestial body, say, even light, gets out of it. 

I am not saying that once you get into depression, you cannot come out of it. Literally, one can. But one should be prepared enough not to be sucked into such obsessed emotions. It is well said by Oscar Wilde that goes like “I am not at the mercy of my emotions”. 

Depression - “A disease or disorder”:

Calling Depression as a disease is still on the cards because doctors and researchers say that Depression is a disorder, but not a disease. But statistical reports of some reputed organisations show that we should be aware of the situation at the earliest. The World Health Organisation has stated that nearly 264 million people of all ages are suffering from Depression all over the world which is roughly more than people suffering from any of the major non-communicable diseases. The Indian Council of Medical Research had come up with their statistical report (2019) that “Nearly one in seven people in India are suffering from various mental disorders including depression”. These reports are not to threaten mankind, but if we find a root cause of those stress and mental illness, then we could find a way out.

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