Frankenstein should be destroyed

The creation of human beings is recognized as a sacred process in the miracle of life and is best left unaltered by humankind;therefore,Frankenstein's creation,the monster should be destroyed.You are probably thinking why he should be destroyed well here is multiple reasons on why that should be the solution to the problems this monster has caused.

Frankenstein took the lives of those who are innocent. Lets say this was in real life, Frankenstein would most likely be sentenced to life in prison or death. That's what would happen to any normal person. He should be treated as any other human being and be equal with them on consequences/punishments.  Frankenstein did not know or did not understand but he harmed people who did not do anything. Just think about it, in the movie if he was not killed who know's how many more people he would harm or kill.

This monster that was made is not natural. The people who made this monster took body parts from deceased people without permission and put them together to make Frankenstein. Also they did not even use a good brain to create him. So this whole thing was not even illegal. Frankenstein was not made naturally so why is he on the earth? All of is his body parts are basically dead so he should be dead. Ok that sounds a bit harsh but its true.

This creation can not even control himself. you are probably thinking "oh well people probably tried to go after Frankenstein so he got scared and tried to use self defense." Well that does make sense but he started go after people first. Frankenstein could/maybe get help but he would most likely hurt or kill people in that process. But he isn't natural so we should not have to control him, or try to if he was never made not legally.

So those are the reasons on why Frankenstein should be destroyed. Now do you think he should be destroyed?