Nigel Latta

Nigel Latta is a clinical psychologist who’s spent the last 30 years trying to answer the question: “Why do we do the things we do?”

What he’s found is that we’re all driven by a set of core needs, and when those needs aren’t met, we can end up feeling lost, unhappy, and unfulfilled.

Latta has written several books on the topic, including the bestselling “The Seven Laws of Happiness.” He’s also a popular speaker, and his TED Talks have been viewed millions of times.

In his talks, Latta often shares personal stories about his own struggles with mental health. He does this to show that even though he’s a psychologist, he’s not immune to the same challenges that we all face.

Latta’s work is important because it helps us to understand ourselves better. By understanding our core needs, we can take steps to meet them and live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Here are some of Latta’s key insights:

  • We all have a need for connection. We need to feel loved, supported, and accepted by others.
  • We all have a need for purpose. We need to feel like we’re making a difference in the world.
  • We all have a need for autonomy. We need to feel like we’re in control of our own lives.
  • We all have a need for growth. We need to feel like we’re constantly learning and improving.
  • We all have a need for meaning. We need to feel like our lives have a purpose.

When our core needs are met, we feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled. But when our needs aren’t met, we can end up feeling lost, unhappy, and unfulfilled.

Latta’s work can help us to understand our core needs and take steps to meet them. By doing so, we can live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Here are some tips from Latta on how to meet your core needs:

  • Connect with others. Spend time with people you love and care about.
  • Find a purpose. Get involved in activities that you find meaningful and fulfilling.
  • Take control of your life. Make decisions that are in your best interests.
  • Keep learning and growing. Challenge yourself to learn new things and develop new skills.
  • Find meaning in your life. Identify your values and live your life accordingly.

Meeting your core needs is not always easy, but it’s worth it. By doing so, you can live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Call to action:

Take some time to reflect on your core needs. Are they being met? If not, what can you do to change that?

Remember, you’re not alone. We all have core needs, and we all deserve to have them met.

Learn more about Nigel Latta