For Future Generations: Protecting Precious Environment

           Meanwhile, people forgot how much they depend on the surrounding environment. All living creature which lives on the earth comes under the environment setting. Every day people’s environmental pollution increases, and that can cause severe harm to a future generation. The environment includes water, air, soil, plants, bird, animals, etc. In the whole universe, the earth is the only planet that can support life on it. The environment plays the role of the blanket on the earth’s surface that keeps living on the earth. Sometimes people forgot how much they are depending on the situation surrounding them. They use the unlimited resources of the environment without thinking anything.

The environment plays a vital role in keeping the balance on the earth. Environment teaches us that there is an unlimited thing; we can learn from the environment, which makes learning so exciting. Sometimes people want the result right away the things they did, but the environment never accepts like this. The atmosphere always helps everyone to live life happily. It does not matter what your age is, and you still can do something to help the environment. If we do not treat the environment right way and keep destroying it, then our future generation cannot get a safe place for them to live. The environment provides the various species, fruits, water, air, and other basics necessary material to leave a healthy life. If something goes the wrong way in the environmental cycle chain, then the circular chain does not meet the expectation and affect negatively in our necessities.

           The environment teaches us always to be helpful to others. The context maintains the oxygen level in the air by creating more oxygen for all living creatures, including humans, to survive. The environment provides lots of things human use in their routine life. It never asks or complains of anything. Lots of medicine made from the plant, but the plant needs a specific environment to grow up, so the climate help indirectly to make medicine. For everything, there is a reason behind it, if we do not have the right, then we do not have useful resources. The environment plays a significant role in regulating the life circle of all creatures on the planet.

           When we are talking about the environment, we also need to talk about environmental problems. The biggest challenge of the environment is overpopulation and global warming. Climate change brings disaster weather events, and we affect the many ways in our system. As population increase, the food and shelter shortages are going to become a much more severe issue than today. If we cannot protect our environment, most of the things we received from the environment are going to missing in a future generation. We need to support the agriculture system and grab all the opportunities coming in our ways, so that helps us to secure the next generation.

           Protect the environment, grow green, live healthily. You are living in a healthy and green surrounded environment; then, you can live longer without any issues. The super magical power of the atmosphere protects you if you protect the environment.