NLEx: Why It's the Worst Expressway in the Philippines

If you've ever driven on the North Luzon Expressway (NLEx), you know that it's a nightmare. The traffic is always terrible, the road is in terrible condition, and the tolls are outrageous. Here's why NLEx is the worst expressway in the Philippines:

  • The traffic is always terrible. No matter what time of day you drive on NLEx, there's always traffic. The worst time to drive is during rush hour, when the traffic can be backed up for miles. But even during off-peak hours, there's still a lot of traffic on NLEx.
  • The road is in terrible condition. The road surface on NLEx is full of potholes and cracks. It's also very narrow, which makes it difficult to drive safely. In some places, the road is so bad that it's actually dangerous to drive on.
  • The tolls are outrageous. The tolls on NLEx are some of the highest in the Philippines. For example, it costs ₱200 to drive from Manila to Bulacan. That's a lot of money, especially if you're driving on NLEx every day.

In addition to these problems, NLEx is also very poorly managed. The staff is often rude and unhelpful, and the customer service is terrible. If you have a problem on NLEx, you're likely to be on your own.

So, if you're planning on driving on NLEx, be prepared for a nightmare. The traffic is terrible, the road is in terrible condition, the tolls are outrageous, and the customer service is terrible. You're better off taking another route.

But here's the kicker:

Even though NLEx is the worst expressway in the Philippines, it's still one of the most important. NLEx connects Manila to the northern provinces of Luzon, and it's a vital part of the Philippine economy. So, even though NLEx is a nightmare to drive on, it's still an important part of the Philippines.

Call to Action:

If you're tired of the traffic on NLEx, there are a few things you can do:

  • Avoid driving on NLEx during rush hour.
  • Take an alternative route.
  • Write to your local government official and demand that they improve NLEx.

Together, we can make NLEx a better place to drive.