
Are You a Noble Person? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Are you a noble person? Do you have the qualities that make you stand out from the crowd and make a difference in the world? This quiz will help you find out.

1. How do you react when you see someone in need?
(a) I stop and help them.
(b) I look away and pretend I don't see them.
(c) I offer them a few cents.

2. What do you do when you see someone being bullied?
(a) I stand up to the bully.
(b) I tell an adult.
(c) I laugh along with the bully.

3. How do you react when you're faced with a difficult challenge?
(a) I give up easily.
(b) I persevere until I succeed.
(c) I ask for help from others.

4. How do you treat people who are different from you?
(a) I treat them with respect and kindness.
(b) I make fun of them and call them names.
(c) I ignore them.

5. What is your definition of success?
(a) Achieving my goals and making a difference in the world.
(b) Making a lot of money and being famous.
(c) Having a lot of power and control over others.


Give yourself one point for every (a) answer, one point for every (b) answer, and zero points for every (c) answer.

0-5 points: You are a selfish and unkind person. You only care about yourself and your own利益. You are not a noble person.

6-10 points: You are a kind and compassionate person. You care about others and you are always willing to help them. You are a noble person.

11-15 points: You are a selfless and generous person. You put others before yourself and you are always willing to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of others. You are a noble person.

So, what kind of person are you? Take this quiz and find out!