Not everyone is a fan of children

Voluntary Childlessness is a somewhat mystical phenomena in today's culture. It is the voluntary decision not to have children, often known as being child-free. With the engrained expectation that women have children, the decision to not have any was tough in the past. People today still can't wrap their heads around others who don't want to embark on the 'journey of being a parent,' nor can they wrap their heads around people who think their kids aren't as great as they are, and what really seems to stump them is the honest reason of "I don't like kids/I don't want kids." What are obvious bundles of delight to many are obvious stop signs to others. One internet user who isn't a fan of the 'parenting' lifestyle believes that some people have children for the wrong reasons, such as maintaining a lineage, because it's expected, or because they "just know the baby will be lovely." But, for a moment, let's get honest. Would you give up your child if you knew you wouldn't face the consequences of abandonment, such as getting arrested? To read further about Not everyone is a fan of children, Please visit our website.