NSFAS application: The non-norm, everyday guide

NSFAS is an amazing initiative for students who need financial aid in order to pursue their studies. Having said that, it can be a very frustrating process when applying. As a student, I have experienced all the frustration of this process. I had to apply three times for my application to be approved and after having to go through that process with my students several times, I can confidently say that it is not a pleasant one.
There are many ways to apply for NSFAS and it all depends on your personal preference. You can either apply online, via mobile App (myNSFAS), fax, or in person. For more info on how to apply, click here: https://nsfas.org.za/how-to-apply/ .
The main issue that starts this NSFAS application nightmare is a lack of communication from NSFAS. As previously mentioned, I had to apply three times before being approved and both times that I was declined, it was because I submitted incorrect/incomplete supporting documents. However, this error was only communicated to me after I received an email with my rejection letter. This process takes months so having to wait over six months just to be rejected was not easy. To add to that, once rejected, you have to reapply. It would be easier if NSFAS could send an email to applicants reminding them of what documents are required or/and incorrect/incomplete before the rejection letter. I usually advise my students to constantly check their application status online just to make sure that everything is in order, however, that can also be problematic.
NSFAS is a very important entity, especially for us South Africans who come from less fortunate backgrounds. It would be amazing to have the application process improved so that more students can benefit from it.
I hope that this article was helpful and if you have any questions, feel free to comment below.