
Perspective on the site of a train mishap after a raised metro line fell in Mexico City on May 4, 2021. 

It's known as the "Brilliant Line." The Mexico City metro framework Line 12, crossing 25.1 kilometers (15.6 miles) and including 20 stations, was promoted as quite possibly the most costly and eager public works projects in Mexican history when it was introduced in October 2012. 

"It mirrors an innovative headway and best in class includes that must be contrasted with the development of the incredible metro frameworks of the world," a Mexico City government official bragged during the opening shot function. 

The profoundly broadcasted strip cutting was gone to by the who's-who of Mexican governmental issues and force at that point, including then-president Felipe Calderón and Marcelo Ebrard, who was then in his last days as Mexico City's chairman and is presently unfamiliar pastor. Carlos Slim, Mexico's most extravagant man and proprietor of one of the development organizations included, was additionally there. 

Be that as it may, quick forward eight years and the Golden Line is, in numerous regards, an image of Mexico's social ills and difficulties from debasement to exemption, disparity to carelessness - particularly after a week ago's destructive raised rail breakdown executed at any rate 26 individuals, standing out as truly newsworthy all throughout the planet.  

Perspective on the site of a train mishap after a raised metro line fell in Mexico City on May 4, 2021. 

It's known as the "Brilliant Line." The Mexico City metro framework Line 12, crossing 25.1 kilometers (15.6 miles) and including 20 stations, was promoted as quite possibly the most costly and eager public works projects in Mexican history when it was introduced in October 2012. 

"It mirrors an innovative headway and best in class includes that must be contrasted with the development of the incredible metro frameworks of the world," a Mexico City government official bragged during the opening shot function. 

The profoundly broadcasted strip cutting was gone to by the who's-who of Mexican governmental issues and force at that point, including then-president Felipe Calderón and Marcelo Ebrard, who was then in his last days as Mexico City's chairman and is presently unfamiliar pastor. Carlos Slim, Mexico's most extravagant man and proprietor of one of the development organizations included, was additionally there. 

Be that as it may, quick forward eight years and the Golden Line is, in numerous regards, an image of Mexico's social ills and difficulties from debasement to exemption, disparity to carelessness - particularly after a week ago's destructive raised rail breakdown executed at any rate 26 individuals, standing out as truly newsworthy all throughout the planet. 

The Golden Line should interface verifiably minimized neighborhoods with more prosperous spaces of the Mexican city and give individuals equivalent admittance to occupations, social focuses and the absolute best things Mexico City has to bring to the table in a reasonable manner. 

Be that as it may, a few specialists who talked with CNN soon after the breakdown say this was a misfortune anticipated. 

'It could've been stayed away from with appropriate support' 

Jorge Gaviño Ambriz, who filled in as Mexico City's Metro Director somewhere in the range of 2015 and 2018, said he accepts the breakdown might have been kept away from, however he might want to see first what sort of upkeep and investigation was done all through the line. 

"Clearly, it could've been stayed away from with legitimate upkeep," said Gaviño Ambriz. "I accept that if there are as of now photographs from 2020 taken by certain neighbors and showing the stretch that imploded was at that point getting bended, a pillar that bended down like a bow. On the off chance that this doesn't sort out, quickly a mishap can occur," Gaviño Ambriz said. 

Mexico City authorities said at a question and answer session the day after the mishap that the last primary review was done in January 2020 and showed no inconsistencies. 

Sergio Alcocer, a primary designer and analyst at the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Engineering School, said it is difficult to tell from the start sight what caused the mishap, regardless of whether there were breaks in the dividers or twisted shafts. 

"What occurred with this construction is that there have been without a doubt a few insufficiencies in different stretches and we might need to extrapolate what occurred with those stretches with what occurred with the one that fizzled. There was in fact harm to a section that must be fixed in 2017," Alcocer said. "Some have induced that the harm coming about because of the September 19, 2017 tremor caused the breakdown. I don't think along these lines, yet the examiners should investigate that."

The Golden Line should interface verifiably minimized neighborhoods with more prosperous spaces of the Mexican city and give individuals equivalent admittance to occupations, social focuses and the absolute best things Mexico City has to bring to the table in a reasonable manner. 

Be that as it may, a few specialists who talked with CNN soon after the breakdown say this was a misfortune anticipated. 

'It could've been stayed away from with appropriate support' 

Perspective on the site of a train mishap after a raised metro line fell in Mexico City on May 4, 2021. 

It's known as the "Brilliant Line." The Mexico City metro framework Line 12, crossing 25.1 kilometers (15.6 miles) and including 20 stations, was promoted as quite possibly the most costly and eager public works projects in Mexican history when it was introduced in October 2012. 

"It mirrors an innovative headway and best in class includes that must be contrasted with the development of the incredible metro frameworks of the world," a Mexico City government official bragged during the opening shot function. 

The profoundly broadcasted strip cutting was gone to by the who's-who of Mexican governmental issues and force at that point, including then-president Felipe Calderón and Marcelo Ebrard, who was then in his last days as Mexico City's chairman and is presently unfamiliar pastor. Carlos Slim, Mexico's most extravagant man and proprietor of one of the development organizations included, was additionally there. 

Be that as it may, quick forward eight years and the Golden Line is, in numerous regards, an image of Mexico's social ills and difficulties from debasement to exemption, disparity to carelessness - particularly after a week ago's destructive raised rail breakdown executed at any rate 26 individuals, standing out as truly newsworthy all throughout the planet. 

The Golden Line should interface verifiably minimized neighborhoods with more prosperous spaces of the Mexican city and give individuals equivalent admittance to occupations, social focuses and the absolute best things Mexico City has to bring to the table in a reasonable manner. 

Be that as it may, a few specialists who talked with CNN soon after the breakdown say this was a misfortune anticipated. 

'It could've been stayed away from with appropriate support' 

Jorge Gaviño Ambriz, who filled in as Mexico City's Metro Director somewhere in the range of 2015 and 2018, said he accepts the breakdown might have been kept away from, however he might want to see first what sort of upkeep and investigation was done all through the line. 

"Clearly, it could've been stayed away from with legitimate upkeep," said Gaviño Ambriz. "I accept that if there are as of now photographs from 2020 taken by certain neighbors and showing the stretch that imploded was at that point getting bended, a pillar that bended down like a bow. On the off chance that this doesn't sort out, quickly a mishap can occur," Gaviño Ambriz said. 

Mexico City authorities said at a question and answer session the day after the mishap that the last primary review was done in January 2020 and showed no inconsistencies. 사설토토

Sergio Alcocer, a primary designer and analyst at the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Engineering School, said it is difficult to tell from the start sight what caused the mishap, regardless of whether there were breaks in the dividers or twisted shafts. 

"What occurred with this construction is that there have been without a doubt a few insufficiencies in different stretches and we might need to extrapolate what occurred with those stretches with what occurred with the one that fizzled. There was in fact harm to a section that must be fixed in 2017," Alcocer said. "Some have induced that the harm coming about because of the September 19, 2017 tremor caused the breakdown. I don't think along these lines, yet the examiners should investigate that."

Jorge Gaviño Ambriz, who filled in as Mexico City's Metro Director somewhere in the range of 2015 and 2018, said he accepts the breakdown might have been kept away from, however he might want to see first what sort of upkeep and investigation was done all through the line. 

"Clearly, it could've been stayed away from with legitimate upkeep," said Gaviño Ambriz. "I accept that if there are as of now photographs from 2020 taken by certain neighbors and showing the stretch that imploded was at that point getting bended, a pillar that bended down like a bow. On the off chance that this doesn't sort out, quickly a mishap can occur," Gaviño Ambriz said. 

Mexico City authorities said at a question and answer session the day after the mishap that the last primary review was done in January 2020 and showed no inconsistencies. 

Sergio Alcocer, a primary designer and analyst at the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Engineering School, said it is difficult to tell from the start sight what caused the mishap, regardless of whether there were breaks in the dividers or twisted shafts. 

"What occurred with this construction is that there have been without a doubt a few insufficiencies in different stretches and we might need to extrapolate what occurred with those stretches with what occurred with the one that fizzled. There was in fact harm to a section that must be fixed in 2017," Alcocer said. "Some have induced that the harm coming about because of the September 19, 2017 tremor caused the breakdown. I don't think along these lines, yet the examiners should investigate that."