
Take it from me, someone who has helped hundreds of people get fitter and lead healthier lives: Walking is not only one of the most fundamental movement patterns and activities we do every day, but it's also one of the best ways to burn extra calories and improve your fitness without overtraining or messing up your gym performance. In fact, here's a dirty little secret: Most of the really fit people I know—weightlifters, marathoners, CrossFitters, competitive athletes—are almost always supremely dedicated walkers, as well. 안전놀이터

But the biggest mistake that fitness walkers make is assuming that what they're doing is 100% correct. Believe it or not, there's no such thing as a "perfect walker," as walking is essentially controlled falling. Take one study, which was conducted by the Movement Lab at Ohio State University and published in the Biology Letters. The researchers discovered that for every step we take, our bodies continually work to correct little errors in our kinetic chains. Every step is a game of stability, and too many poor steps can lead to pain, discomfort, and even injury. This is why it's important that you try and limit any mistakes you're making from poor walking mechanics. (For more on these, check out The Bad Walking Habits You Should Stop Immediately, Say Walking Experts.)

I've created here a 4-point, super-basic "walking mechanics" checklist to ensure that you're walking correctly. Follow these steps before you go out, and you'll walk farther, for longer. So read on, and if you'd like to walk your weight to weight loss, see here for The 30-Second Trick to Lose More Weight While Walking.