
Gilles Gilbert Gresenguet, Presidential Candidate For AFCNO: "We Must Take Advantage Of Paris 2024 To Bring The Olympic Games Back To French" 

CRETE (GREECE) - The Francophone Association of National Olympic Committees (AFCNO) emerged from the last Tokyo Olympics happy with its brandishing execution (96 decorations, as per its own figures) and with an up and coming target: to reclassify the job of the French language inside the Olympic development. 

Furthermore, that is the thing that Gilles Gilbert Gresenguet, leader of the Olympic Committee of the Central African Republic, means to do in case he is chosen new leader of the association that was brought into the world in 2010 to advance the utilization of French and the French language in sports. 

The decisions occur next November 18, and Abakar Djermah Aumi, leader of the Chad Olympic Committee, is likewise expecting to win them. 

"Whoever wins, we should see each other in light of the fact that we have shared objectives and we ought to likewise share a typical vision," says Gresenguet in a meeting with Around the Rings. 

He does as such on the Greek island of Crete, the scene these days of the General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees 사설토토 (ANOC) and the ideal setting for the perfection of a political race including the 47 part nations of the AFCNO. 

- What is your proposition for the AFCNO of things to come? 

One of my primary goals is to recuperate the utilization of French in the African Games, yet additionally in the Olympic Games. It was the pioneer language and, sadly, it is being lost for English. 

- To what do you ascribe this? 

To the way that English is the language of trade, the language of business. Also, to the way that we French speakers consistently put forth the attempt to communicate in English, while English speakers don't put forth the attempt to communicate in English in the other bearing. 

- But here we are discussing sports. 

Indeed, however the Games are profoundly politicized. Furthermore, we ought to figure out how to take them back to the donning and social field. In Africa, we have as of now made strides toward that path. 

- The Games, indeed, were brought into the world in French. 

Truth be told. Also, we should respect Pierre de Coubertin's heritage and extend it, particularly since Paris, the incomparable French-talking reference, will have the following Olympic Games. That should help us in the battle for the Games to communicate in French once more. We need to exploit Paris 2024. 

- What different objectives do you have in your program? 

To give the AFCNO greater perceivability. Additionally, and critically, to work with trades between the French-talking nations of the North and the South. 

- In what way? 

In the donning and financial sense, in other words, that there be a trade that will permit our competitors to be more ready for the forthcoming difficulties. The principal challenge is the Francophonie Games, which will be held in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in the late spring of 2022. The second is the Paris 2024 Olympic Games which, as I said, should be a reference for us. 

- Is there no such trade right now? 

A portion of our competitors go to prepare in northern nations; on account of my country, the Central African Republic, to France. However, what frequently happens is that these competitors don't return, they stay in the host nations and are competitors that Africa loses. 

- How can the present circumstance be turned around? 

It is difficult. To be sure, our competitors leave since we don't have the cash, and that drives us to consider it. 

- What right? 

We need to consider the manner by which a competitor from one nation is presently permitted to address an alternate country in the Games. Unmistakably the one we have now is negative to Africa, which has numerous competitors spread all throughout the planet vieing for and for nations that are not African. Furthermore, I demand that it is difficult, on the grounds that I am mindful that competitors are free. In any case, we need to find an equation that doesn't hurt us to such an extent. 

- What will occur if Abakar Djermah Aumi wins the political decision and you lose? 

I don't consider this political race to be a contest wherein there will be a victor and a washout. I feel that, whoever wins, we ought to see each other on the grounds that we have shared objectives and we ought to likewise share a typical vision. 

- Do you have the help of the French, Belgian or Canadian Olympic Committees, to give some examples of the French-talking nations in the North? 

I have spoken with numerous African associates and, nowadays, here in Crete, I will make a move to do as such additionally with delegates of those nations you notice. I don't yet have the foggiest idea what support I am depending on. We will realize that after the races. 

- Turning back to Africa, what do you figure the mainland's part in the Olympic development ought to be? 

It ought to have substantially more weight. What's more, at some point, it ought to have the option to coordinate an Olympic Games, as it has as of now coordinated a World Cup [in 2010]. 

- Which nations do you consider to be potential coordinators? 

Egypt, Morocco or South Africa, for instance. 

- Could you put a date on that day? 

In 2030 or 2040, maybe. I'm mindful that sorting out an Olympic Games requires a ton of assets, yet it is something I have effectively examined with Mustapha Berraf, one of our top delegates on the International Olympic Committee and leader of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA).