
Kyrgyzstan Introduces Compulsory Vaccination For Workers Of Culture, Leisure, Sports 

BISHKEK, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) - Mandatory inoculation has been presented in Kyrgyzstan for laborers in the circles of culture, recreation and sports, the country's Ministry of Health said on Friday. 

The comparing goal was taken on by the Cabinet of Ministers, which has endorsed a rundown of circles related with high dangers of contracting irresistible sicknesses where compulsory immunization is required. 

The bureau said the rundown at first included positions identified with serving patients with irresistible sicknesses, and 메이저사이트 occupations in a wide range of instructive organizations. 

The rundown currently likewise remembers occupations for galleries, show corridors, libraries, sports royal residences, theaters, films, show lobbies, social and diversion foundations, kids' jungle gyms, kids' camps, sports and amusement focuses and wellness clubs. 

Prior, the bureau required state and metropolitan workers to get inoculated against COVID-19. 

Kyrgyzstan dispatched a COVID-19 inoculation crusade in March after the appearance of China-gave Sinopharm immunizations. It is likewise vaccinating its occupants with the Sputnik-V and AstraZeneca antibodies. Until this point, 969,175 individuals have gotten the main portion of COVID-19 immunizations, and 738,903 individuals have gotten the two shots. 

As of Friday, the nation has recorded 181,105 cases, with 175,493 recuperations and 2,666 passings. Enditem