
Table Tennis Superstar Eyes New Life On Peking Campus 

Ding Ning being met by media at Peking University in Beijing in September. LIU YUELING/FOR CHINA DAILY 온라인카지노

Olympic gold medalist trades paddle for books as she enters school 

Ding Ning, who has won many distinctions during her table tennis employment, including an Olympic gold enrichment, announced her retirement from the game on Sept 6. 

She has started one more segment as a graduated class understudy at the Department of Physical Education at Peking University. 

"It was a hard decision to make," she said, adding that pursuing extra examinations ensuing to leaving genuine games is an unprecedented pivotal occasion. 

All through her work as a contender, Ding, 31, said she longed for a chance to ponder, to examine the world and learn new things, as she once in a while observed the presence of a contender dull. 

Regardless of the way that she went to various countries to fight, she didn't get the opportunity to research new social orders or participate in the view. The trips were short, and Ding normally saw near fields, motels and supermarkets. 

School was Ding's dream, but her commitments as a top contender and gathering pioneer didn't consider it. In 2017, after she won her third World Table Tennis Championships title and the enormous homer, she began to contemplate school. However, given her age and various weaknesses, courses of action for the Tokyo Olympics took need, so she put off her plans until this year. 

Ding, who won the gold at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, is not any more intriguing to Peking University. She has visited a couple of times and said she is fascinated by its straightforwardness and completeness, which she feels will allow her to examine transparently and encourage different interests later on. 

"I used to be a table tennis prepared proficient. By and by, I should be an all-rounder," she said. 

To get that moving, Ding expects to enlarge her assessments and talk with comparable people from different establishments, and regardless required courses, she has also chosen to focus on cerebrum science and Chinese. 

If the champion seems, by all accounts, to be a little restless when discussing her future academic life, this is in light of the fact that she considers it a test. 

"Possibly you'd grown up considering and were suddenly drawn closer to play table tennis. You may have guts and energy, yet you really can't imagine what it takes after to be a contender for sure difficulties a contender may knowledge, just as the reverse way around." 

This sudden change in her life and the going with weaknesses are only fundamental for her challenge-her reputation is another. For Ding, reputation is a two sided bargain. 

It gets her more help and sponsorship according to one viewpoint, yet moreover sticks out and better guidelines on the other. 

She isn't one to create some distance from trouble and has consistently said that have a fearless heart. As she faces new troubles on her insightful way, she said that she acknowledges there are for each situation a bigger number of game plans than issues. 

Perhaps most importantly, Ding believes game to be a sort of mental assistance, which gives people the inner fortitude to fight again. Sports make her challenging, and she wants to imbue that intensity in others. 

During the plague, Ding told her friends and family the best way to stay fit at home. She observed that numerous people don't have even the remotest clue how to do sports in a proper, strong way. 

She said she believes that later on, she can show youths sound exercise, through her experience, yet also through careful speculation. 

She also believes that her choice to get back to school will move more energetic contenders to examine distinctive possible results after retirement and secure more essential opportunities. 

Those possibilities, she said, are accessible to her, also. According to Ding, transforming into an all-rounder isn't just with regards to examining different fields, it moreover opens up new horizons. 

Once, she worked in table tennis and intended to achieve one unmistakable target reliably. As of now, she should be a voyager with an open future, she added.