
Ball Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Son Sentenced For Stabbing Neighbor With Hunting Knife 

The child of ball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was condemned to a half year in prison for wounding a neighbor with a hunting blade during a contention over garbage bins. 


Adam Abdul-Jabbar, 29, wounded 60-year-old Ray Windsor on 9 June last year after a disagreement about rubbish in the common carport of their home in San Clemente, south of Los Angeles in California, turned brutal. 

Mr Windsor was betrayed of the head, experienced a broke skull, and almost kicked the bucket from loss of blood. 

Abdul-Jabbar conceded to three counts of attack with a lethal weapon and one of conveying a knife subsequent to hitting an arrangement with an adjudicator in Orange County, California. 

Abdul-Jabbar has been permitted to apply for home detainment, and his sentence is remained until January. 

Addressing Fox 29, Mr Windsor said he has known Abdul-Jabbar since he was six and had proposed he should help an old relative by making a garbage run all the more regularly. 

He said Abdul-Jabbar out of nowhere got upset and compromised him, and afterward began betraying him and head. 

Mr Windsor told Fox 29 he was in a basic condition and was left with seven blade wounds. 

Examiners had looked for a seven-year prison sentence and protested the supplication offer. 

"This token punishment is a flat out unnatural birth cycle of equity," District Attorney Todd Spitzer said in an assertion after the condemning. 

"This man almost drained to death before the trauma center entryways subsequent to being cut entirely savagely again and again, to the point that his skull was cracked.