
Golf: Gender-impartial Tee System Set To Attract New Players At Cheshire Course 

People are starting dependent on their capacity, not sex, at Hartford Golf Club in Cheshire. 

Customary yellow tees for men and the more limited red tees for ladies have been deserted with an end goal to draw in more individuals to the game. 안전놀이터

"It makes the game more straightforward," clarifies Paul Cunningham, head of golf at the Cheshire club. 

"For novices, getting out on the course interestingly can be scary. 

"They fall off a driving reach where the ground is very level and you have a major open region to hit the ball into. 

"Playing some more limited openings allows you greater opportunity of scoring that standard five and getting a touch greater satisfaction, and afterward ideally you will return and play more." 

The club has supplanted the sexual orientation tees with shaded tees - the most brief (nearest to the opening) is purple, further back is blue, then, at that point, red, then, at that point, yellow, lastly the white tee which is for rivalry as it were. 

During Sky News' visit to the club this week, a few men jump start from the red - a move that would be disliked at more conventional clubs. 

"It's been incredible," Mr Cunningham says, as a man whacks the ball approximately 250 yards towards the green. 

"More limited openings however relative standards mean fledglings may play an opening that is 200 yards yet it's as yet a standard five. 

"Everything revolves around availability, getting individuals to play the game, return nice scores and afterward move once again to the more drawn out tees and increment the test." 

He added: "We've seen heaps of individuals - men and women - play off the red tees, even the purple tees. 

"Via web-based media we've had bunches of extraordinary remarks about it. We believe it's the fate of golf." 

Picture: The club trust the progressions will draw in new players 

Interestingly, the male-female proportion in UK golf investment has changed dramatically with the quantity of ladies golf players significantly increasing during the pandemic. 

From what you wear to where you play, golf actually has probably the strictest - and seemingly generally crazy - rules. 

You can't utilize an advanced gadget to check wind heading, yet you can utilize different things like smoke from a cigarette. 

There are punishments in case your ball becomes held up in an organic product, yet none for a ball hitting a rival. 

Golf lovers say there is a sure appeal to the framework, yet there are a developing number of clubs searching for change. 

English golf player Inci Mehmet reviews how clubs responded to her mom's clothing standard. 

"At the point when my mum used to get me from the golf club and she would wear pants or mentors, she would get disapproved of or told to stand by outside," she told Sky News. "So that was somewhat intense." 

She added: "Golf has an elitist umbrella and it accompanies a name of advantage. 

Picture: Inci Mehmet reviews how clubs responded to her mom wearing pants and coaches 

"It is hard to join most clubs on the grounds that in addition to the fact that you have to pay for enrollment, however frequently you need to pay for a joining charge also, which once in a while can be more than your participation. 

"So that is immediately an obstacle, except if you have £1,500 or so as an afterthought." 

Mehmet, who at 20 out of 2016 was the highest level British player, says she invites the transition to leave sex based tees. 

"Having that kind of sex title could conceivably be a hindrance for everybody, except it certainly can stop a few," she says. 

"The yellows will generally be around the 6,000 yard mark. Whites generally around 6,500 imprint. So in case you will play off the 6,500 tees, they ought to be called 65s. 

"They shouldn't be a shading or anything. What's more, that gives freedoms to seniors, who don't hit the ball the extent that they used to, to play from the 6,000 tees which you can simply call the 60s.