
Reproducers' Cup Classic 2021: Odds, Best Bets, And Essential Quality's Battle With Medina Spirit 

The Last Time They Raced Each Other: Medina Spirit #8, ridden by jockey John Velazquez, (R) crosses ... [+] the end goal to win the 147th running of the Kentucky Derby in front of Mandaloun #7, ridden by Florent Geroux, and Hot Rod Charlie #9 ridden by Flavien Prat , and Essential Quality #14, ridden by Luis Saez, at Churchill Downs on May 01, 2021 in Louisville, Kentucky. 토토사이트

The 2021 Breeders' Cup coordinators are doing their darn best, as the heavenly end of the week's $31 million in satchels, to bring both this series and the game on the loose back to the front, regardless of the crude of the second year of the pandemic. The Classic brings us a remarkable brilliant nosegay of top choices in Medina Spirit, whose solid Derby win and resulting drug afflictions in a real sense shook the game out of sorts this mid year, and his adversary Essential Quality. Fundamental Quality's weighty most loved status in the Class of 2021 was usurped by in all honesty Medina Spirit in the Derby before Essential Quality recaptured his balance to take the Belmont. 

Those two top picks have some Triple Crown priors, is the point, and that implies all of dashing is wanting to see those priors worked out this evening at Del Mar. That, notwithstanding the $6 million tote for the Classic, is the thing that is in question for the main two top picks. All Breeders' Cup Classics are by definition enormous. This one is large huge. 

Maybe it's the size of the totes joined with that additional energy that the business, the actual reproducers, bring to the day, however any Breeders' Cup race day has a renowned method of making every one of the sharp inquiries regarding each competitor in each race considerably more honed. Be that as it may, before we bring in our occupant Kentucky horseman, the Bluegrass Wise Man ™, who is trackside at Del Mar this year, to dive into the filigree of exactly how Hot Rod Charlie could wreck Medina Spirit's arrangements for Essential Quality — or EQ's arrangements for Medina Spirit — here for reference are the post positions and the morning line, which we'll refresh in this space with live chances as the Del Mar opens and the cash begins to talk. 

The Bluegrass Wise Man ™ is a confided in Kentucky horseman and proprietor who has been profoundly liberal to us with his pony sense and his long involvement with incapacitating Triple Crown seasons past. However a proprietor, he has no ponies running in the current year's Classic, yet he will be risking everything. 

In this way, the match-race-inside the-race. Expecting it occurs, let us know what you see in question for Medina Spirit. 

Country Wise Man ™: A ton. In more ways than one. In the first place, we should recall that this enormous haze of doubt that looms over Bob (Baffert) isn't Medina Spirit's shortcoming. Medina Spirit is the competitor, isn't that so? He's simply in his slow down eating of his can and out on the track floating. What's more, he ran a shockingly decent Derby, muscling on out past Essential Quality, who for a considerable length of time reasons didn't get a generally excellent outing. In this way, in spite of that, and regardless of his ensuing successes, Medina Spirit actually needs to show us that he can get up and out and past Essential Quality, fundamentally. Medina Spirit must answer the inquiry concerning the Derby, quit worrying about that it's actually not a success for him any more drawn out. Medina Spirit must say to us that his Derby run wasn't an accident. That is to say, he went off at 12-1 in the Derby and took it. It's the ideal opportunity for him to show us that kind of coarseness once more, please. 

Also, for Essential Quality? 

Country Wise Man ™: Maybe much more. They're not re-running the Derby today, but rather what occurred in the Derby matters. Fundamental Quality didn't have his brain solidly in that race, and as Brad (Cox, EQ's mentor) has said, he didn't care for parting from way outside in the 14 opening. Fundamental Quality has a more traditionally prepped family than Medina Spirit at any point contemplated, that is notable. In this way, he's been running admirably, and winning, and obviously he showed us a great deal in the Belmont. The present the ideal opportunity for him to satisfy all of that and take it with some force. What his associations are searching for is a competition to get it done, or if nothing else to further develop it. What's more, let us not fail to remember the Breeders' as a sort of crossroads in dashing professions. A success can put the choice of taking on off into the stud stable right to the front. Thus, as far as concerns its, Godolphin has a considerable amount riding alongside Louis Saez in the irons on Essential Quality this evening. 

We love destroying potential in each race, so let us know who's the outright bad dream for the main two top picks here. Speedster Charlie, or Knicks Go? 

Twang Wise Man ™: Both ponies, however in totally different ways, and that will be the great today. What I mean is, as bad dreams go for top picks, having Hot Rod Charlie and Knicks Go in there sort of sections the top choices and works on the race by far. Since: Knicks Go must, totally should, be direct. I don't end up preferring that way of running, yet he certain as hellfire does. Thus, he's out there before them all. OK, Hot Rod Charlie is somewhat of a stalker. He can lay back and bring it. The amount he can bring to, say, Essential Quality in a stretch duel, is his inquiry. He looked pretty convenient in the Derby stretch, pushing out Essential Quality and so forth, however he really wants to step it up today assuming he needs to take it at the wire. Knicks Go's inquiry is, hard as it very well might be to accept, in that general area clearly. He's never run a mile-and-a-quarter. Enough said. 

Provide us with somewhat of an image of how you see that working out. 

Country Wise Man ™: I could see Knicks Go catching fire every one of the gas in the tank by the highest point of the stretch. In any case, before that, in the main turn and up the backstretch, he could lead them a pursuit, which means, be the speed. Simply not certain he has the sense, or can be kept away, from doing that in what will be for him an extremely, long mile-and-a-quarter. Speedster Charlie I could see in there duking it out with the huge young men.