
Belgrade Ready To Host The ISF U15 World School Sport Games 

The First Multi-Sport Event in ISF History Dedicated to 13-15 Year-Olds 

With arrangements for the impending ISF U15 World School Sport Games proceeding to progress at fast speed, the cutoff time for enrollment stage 1 has been drawn out until 24 July 2021, to take into consideration more opportunity for appointments.  메이저사이트

Right now a sum of 2,039 members have enrolled for stage 1, comprising of 29 unique nations, to be specific: Algeria, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chinese Taipei, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Northern Macedonia, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Uganda, Ukraine, Union of Comoros, and USA. 

The ISF, the Serbian School Sport Federation, and the neighborhood government welcome all individuals who are not yet enlisted to go along with us by starting stage 1 of enrollment. 

There is Still Time to Join Usin Belgrade! 

With enrollment having been prolongedto 24 July, there is still an ideal opportunity to visit the occasion page and sign your appointment up to participate in the debut ISF U1S World School Sport Games from 11-19 September. Snap the connection belowto findout more about the occasion and register! 

Solid Support for the ISF U15 WSSG 

On Friday 2 July, arrangements for the impending ISF U15 World School Sport Games kept on propelling when ISF Secretary General/CEO Hrvoje Custonja close by Serbian School Sport Federation (SSSF) President and ISF Executive Committee part Zeljko Tanaskovic and SSSF Secretary General Uros Savic, met with Serbian Minister of Youth and Sport, Vanja Udovicic, in Belgrade, Serbia. 

The productive gathering comprised of conversations on the general association of the debut occasion which will happen from 11-19 September 2021, in the city of Belgrade, Serbia. During the gathering, Minister Udovicic accentuated the preparation of Serbia, and welcomed youth from one side of the planet to the other to come to Belgrade to take part in the biggest ISF multi-sport occasion devoted to class understudies matured 13-15 years of age, to contend in 14 unique games. 

Compelling COVID-19 Measures and Protocols to be Implemented 

To secure against the transmission of infectious sicknesses to the region of the Republic of Serbia, voyagers showing up to the Republic of Serbia from any country on the planet with a troublesome epidemiological circumstance, will be permitted passage into the Republic of Serbia given that they hold an adverse aftereffect of the RT PCR test for the presence of the SARS CoV 2 infection, given inside the past 48 hours by a reference research center in the country from which they are coming or potentially entering the Republic of Serbia. 


• Wearing a cover is required in all indoor spaces (shopping centers, markets with the exception of inn visitors. 

• Wearing a cover is required on all methods for transport ( transports, vehicles, etc...). 

• In all open spaces a veil isn't required while keeping separation. 

• All functions will be held outside with an obligatory social distance of 1,5 meters. 


• Wearing a cover is required at decoration grant services. 

• The temperature of members will be estimated at the passageway of each sports office. 

• The opposition will be held without the presence of a group of people in the stands. Each member who is in the games office is obliged to wear a veil. Those contending may eliminate their veil while contending. 

• Dispensers of sanitizer (liquor situated in a grouping of no under 70 or another specialist appropriate for use on the skin) will be set at the doorways, participation work areas, just as other key situations for the association of the opposition. 

• Participants won't utilize the storage spaces yet will be prepared to perform while showing up at the games offices. Contenders should utilize their own games and cleanliness gear (spare garments, and so forth) just as other individual things that should not be traded (bottles with drying out specialists, glasses, etc...).