
Syrian Opposition Organizes Arabian Horse Festival 

ALEPPO, Syria — The regions heavily influenced by the Turkish-moved Free Syrian Army in the northeastern wide open of Aleppo coordinated the primary thoroughbred Arabian pony celebration, as the quantity of pony rearing and equestrian foundations is expanding. 

The neighborhood gathering of the town of Qabasin, in the wide open of Aleppo, composed on Facebook June 26, "In collaboration with Al-Khalifa Stud Club, the main Tarhin Festival for Purebred Arabian Horses was held with the interest of more than 70 ponies in the Aliken Racecourse in [the town of] Tarhin. The main, second and third spot victors were regarded in the midst of an enormous turnout of individuals from the eastern wide open of Aleppo. We might want to express gratitude toward Al-Khalifa Stud Club for the endeavors made to make the race a triumph." 

The top of the Equestrian Federation in northern Syria, Ahmed al-Abdullah, told Al-Monitor, "The Tarhin Festival is the initial step taken by the Equestrian Federation in northern Syria, which was set up by the Syrian resistance around 90 days prior." 

He said, "The celebration expects to present thoroughbred Arabian ponies and their magnificence, to expand the prominence of equestrian games and to urge individuals to follow them."  메이저사이트

Al-Monitor was available at the celebration, whose first stage included seven rounds. The initially was for sprinters riding youthful ponies that were hustling interestingly a distance of 1,000 meters (0.6 miles). The second was for dashing foals, hustling a distance of 1,200 meters (0.7 miles) — eight ponies took part, every one of which was around two years of age and had recently partaken in horse races. 

The opposition was savage, particularly in the third round that was known as the National Race; the race distance was 2,200 meters (1.4 miles), in which nine thoroughbred Arabian ponies partook. The fourth round was known as the National Race A, in which six thoroughbred Arabian ponies took part over a distance of 1,600 meters (1 mile). The fifth round was brought Mohassen and reached out over a distance of 1,200 meters (0.7 miles), in which seven thoroughbred Arabian ponies partook. The 6th was known as the Middle Race, devoted to moderately aged thoroughbred Arabian ponies, in which 12 ponies partook in a 1,600-meter race. The seventh and last round was known as the Champions Race, in which 10 thoroughbred Arabian ponies took an interest, and the race stretched out over a distance of 2,000 meters (1.2 miles). 

Abdullah said, "The initial three victors in every one of the seven rounds were respected, and prizes were introduced to them. The champ got a prize of 1,000 Turkish liras [$115], the runner up victor got 500 Turkish liras [$58] and the third spot victor got 300 Turkish liras [$35]." 

He noticed, "The thoroughbred Arabian ponies partaking in the celebration have a place with a gathering of clubs and reproducers in the resistance regions in northwestern Syria, the most significant of which are Al-Safira Club for Arabian Horses, Al-Khalifa Stud Club and Al-Azza Association for Purebred Arabian Horses. Sprinters from various regions shared, in particular from Idlib and Aleppo open country, notwithstanding uprooted individuals from eastern Syria, some of whom partook in a few rounds on various ponies." 

Ahmed al-Afandi, head of the media office of the Equestrian Federation in northern Syria, told Al-Monitor, "The game of pony riding was not well known in resistance regions as of late, yet we are presently seeing that youngsters are extremely keen on learning it. We likewise tracked down that numerous individuals were keen on this game given the enormous turnout at the Tarhin Festival." 

Mukhtar Abu Askar, head of Al-Khalifa Stud Club and one of the coordinators of the Tarhin Festival, told Al-Monitor, "Two years prior, we set up Al-Khalifa Stud Club close to the city of al-Bab in Aleppo open country. This year, we coordinated the Tarhin Festival for Purebred Arabian Horses in participation with the Qabasin nearby chamber, and Al-Khalifa Stud Club offered the prizes granted to the champs." 

In the interim, Abdul Kafi al-Ahmad, top of the Sports and Youth Office in the neighborhood gathering of Qabasin, told Al-Monitor, "The nearby board upholds exercises that resuscitate the legacy of our progenitors, and empowers equestrian games devotees and pony reproducers to hold such celebrations intermittently to instruct individuals nearby about the excellence and significance of ponies." 

He said, "The celebration that we held as of late was in collaboration with Al-Khalifa Stud Club that took care of the relative multitude of expenses of the celebration." 

A member in the celebration from the Deir ez-Zor field in eastern Syria told Al-Monitor on state of obscurity, "Pony rearing is a calling I acquired from my folks and grandparents, however the conflict and uprooting constrained me to quit rehearsing this calling for quite a while. Nonetheless, when I moved to the resistance controlled regions in the wide open of Aleppo and discovered some solidness, it incited me to continue and take an interest in races." 

Abu Askar noticed, "The raisers of thoroughbred Arabian ponies in the field of Aleppo face numerous difficulties, the most significant of which is the trouble of getting medications and antibodies for ponies, and the absence of pens and essential tracks for preparing ponies and races. Among the most troublesome difficulties we face is the silly expansion in feed costs, as the expense of feed for one pony arrives at 400,000 Syrian pounds each month [$318]." 

The World Arabian Horse Organization, which was set up in 1967, is liable for further developing the blood virtue of Arab ponies and keeping up with their family. Syria joined the association in 1989 and set up an office for Arabian ponies toward the finish of 1994.