
Luxembourg Plays Host To World Table Tennis Development And European Championships 

Luxembourg is assuming a crucial part in world table tennis this late spring, facilitating the 2017 ITTF World Hopes Week and Challenge from 11-17 August, and furthermore sorting out the Liebherr 2017 European Table Tennis Championships between 13-17 September. 

At the ninth version of the World Hopes Week and Challenge prior last week, youthful abilities from 22 countries all throughout the planet delighted in master instructing and contest through an ITTF concurrence with the China Table Tennis College-Europe (CTTC-E) close by help from Butterfly and the Foundation for Global Sports Development. Twofold Olympic Women's Singles Champion and previous world number one, ZHANG Yining, drove the top notch training staff as the week progressed. 메이저사이트

The week started with a positioning competition that permitted the renowned China Table Tennis College Coaching group, responsible for the preparation program, to have a worldwide outline of the players' level and fabricate two preparing bunches for both male and female players as per their level. 

This was the last occasion before the exceedingly significant World Cadet Challenge, to be held in Fiji in October, and it saw competitors expect to build up their situation in the Hopes Team, to be made out of four young ladies and four young men that will be chosen following this occasion and will play against the world's best under-15 players at the 2017 World Cadet Challenge. 

Thomas WEIKERT, ITTF President, remarked on the significance of fostering the game's future stars just as conveying top notch first class occasions, "it's anything but an intriguing week for these youthful players, a possibility for them to gain from the best. I'm certain they will not neglect being instructed by ZHANG Yining. It's anything but a chance for them to rehearse and gain from others, comprehend different societies, and to make companions through table tennis. Luxembourg has done a top of the line work facilitating this week, and we anticipate returning for the European Championships beginning on thirteenth September when Europe's best senior players will fight out for group magnificence. It is significant for the ITTF to interface our advancement work and expert occasions, something we are doing with our accomplices here in Luxembourg." 

The Luxembourg Minister of Sports, Mr. Romain SCHNEIDER, additionally featured the significance of creating future table tennis stars, "Luxembourg is a capital for sports in the core of Europe with many donning associations based here. It's anything but an invited opportunity for Luxembourg to have the 2017 ITTF World Hopes Week and Challenge, and to introduce itself to the young people of the world. Foster our future stars and we are pleased to have the China Table Tennis College in Luxembourg to help. Everybody is presently anticipating the impending European Championships from September thirteenth to September seventeenth." 

André HARTMAN, Luxembourg National Table Tennis Association President, added, "We are charmed to put together the ITTF World Hopes and Challenge in Luxembourg with incredible help from accomplices including the China Table Tennis College with its global instructional hub offices. Luxembourg is by custom a place that is known for meeting and trade. We are additionally pleased to arrange the European Championships from the thirteenth to the seventeenth of September. Obviously, this will be a notable occasion, and we are enchanted to have the best European players here in Luxembourg. We are hoping to have numerous onlookers, so we urge table tennis fans to get their tickets now so they don't pass up a major opportunity."