
Neighborhood Association, School District In Tug Of War Over Downtown Jersey City Playground

The Historic Paulus Hook Association wasn’t looking for a literal playground fight, but the group certainly isn’t backing down.

After years of planning, multiple city administrations and plenty of fits and starts, the Paulus Hook pocket park playground at the corner of Grand and Washington streets was opened this summer.

And now the school district wants to make the Downtown playground, which abuts School 16, exclusively its own — at least between the hours of 8:30 a.M. And 3:30 p.M.안전놀이터

Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA) President Diane Kaese and board member Stephanie Daniels told The Jersey Journal they’d be willing to compromise on the use of the park, but the school district has refused to budge during talks with the city.

“The school has needs and we want to find some compromise,” Daniels said. “We were told by the school under no circumstance would they allow their kids to play in that corner if it was open at any time during the day.”

City officials confirmed that city and the school district have discussed the use of the playground, but did provide any details.

For its part, the district says it has nowhere else for the 700-plus students to play. Daniels and Kaese noted that years ago Sussex Street would be closed between Warren and Washington streets to give the students somewhere to play.

“The school community is asking to use the space for students during the school day safely,” Deputy Superintendent Norma Fernandez said. “The school does not have a playground, and it would be advantageous for the 700+ children enrolled at the school to use the yard. Exercising outdoors is not just good for children’s health. It helps with their mental health and social development.”

The HPHA has an ally in Ward E City Council candidate Jake Hudnut, who is urging the city and district to find a compromise that falls short of exclusive use of the park by the school during daytime hours.

“We in the community must ensure that the playground continues to be available to all of Jersey City’s children,” said Hudnut, who is challenging incumbent James Solomon for the Ward E seat. “... It is completely unfair to the families of children who attend other schools, and it’s also arguably illegal given that the playground is located on Green Acres-funded public land.”