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Distasio Scoreboard Dedication Ceremony Moved To Sept. 17 

The new scoreboard at Greater Nanticoke Area that was given in memory of amazing Coach Dan Distasio will be devoted on Sept. 17. Bill O'Boyle | Times Leader 

The new scoreboard at Greater Nanticoke Area that was given in memory of incredible Coach Dan Distasio will be committed on Sept. 17. 

Bill O'Boyle | Times Leader 

NANTICOKE — The commitment function of the new scoreboard in memory of previous Coach Dan Distasio has been deferred until Sept. 17, because of electrical issues at the football field. 

Distasio kicked the bucket in 2006 at 73 years old. 

Dan Distasio, child of the late mentor, said reserves that were given for the scoreboard were raised through the Daniel Distasio Memorial Golf Tournament, which was held for a very long time to pay tribute to Coach Distasio. 

"The assets were used to grant grants to meriting understudies at Nanticoke and Crestwood," Distasio said. "Throughout the long term, in overabundance of $60,000 was granted in grants. It was then concluded that the leftover assets would be given to Nanticoke in his memory." 

After conversations with school authorities, Distasio said not really settled that the school needed a redesign of the scoreboard and the assets were given to the school. 토토사이트 검증

"Albeit a definitive choice on the gift was made by our family, comprehend that the gift was just made conceivable through the liberality, endeavors and backing of our numerous companions consistently," Distasio said. "Without the help of so many, the gift would not have been conceivable." 

Distasio's family needed to explain the gift interaction. 

Mentor Distasio served two years in the Navy and two years in the Marines. Subsequent to achieving his four year certification from King's College, he forged ahead to procure his graduate degree equivalency. 

Distasio was an educator for a very long time at Nanticoke High School and was a previous football trainer for a very long time. He likewise instructed young ladies volleyball, track and Wilkes linebackers. 

Distasio moved on from Nanticoke High School in 1950, where he played quarterback in the football crew and he played b-ball.