
Beginning A Revolution In Gymnastics 

HAVERHILL — Gina Paulhus is hoping to begin a transformation among gymnasts who never bid farewell to the game they rehearsed in their childhood and are searching for a spot to keep rehearsing as grown-ups with other close allies.  사설토토

While the world's chief gymnasts flaunted their abilities during the Toyko Olympics, with assistance from Paulhus others keep on after their energy for the game, regardless of their age. 

Paulhus, 40, a fitness coach and affirmed nutritionist who works Home Bodies out of her home in Haverhill, runs two grown-up tumbling camps every year. She additionally drives a Facebook bunch that has developed to in excess of 5,500 individuals, with around 1,000 of them having joined as of late. 

"We've united together on Facebook and expectation there will be more gatherings locally," she said. "There are running clubs in pretty much every town, so why not an acrobatic group?" 

Paulhus, an Amesbury local, started considering aerobatic at age 10 then, at that point enjoyed a reprieve to go to school, notwithstanding, she never let go of her energy for the game. 

At age 25, which she says is far beyond the normal age to contend, she discovered her direction back. 

"I discovered a rec center and worked out with secondary school young ladies and started contending," she said. "I won one AAU public title in 2013 and in 2014 and I progressed forward yet required lower leg medical procedure in 2016, constraining me to resign from contest." 

In July 2015, she dispatched what she said was the world's first all-grown-up aerobatic camp. It pulled in around 30 ladies and 10 men, going in age from 23 to 61. In ensuing camps, the ages went from 18 to 65. 

"Most gymnasts quit preparing after secondary school except if they make it onto a school group," she said. "Five years prior there weren't many spots for grown-ups to rehearse as most exercise centers didn't think there was an interest." 

Paulhus is wanting to see each gymnastic club start offering grown-up classes. 

She hold her Original Adult Gymnastics Camp every January and July at Atlantic Gymnastics in Portsmouth. Grown-ups gymnasts train together, learn new schedules, and spring once more into the game in a non-critical climate. 

She was unable to hold camp the previous summer because of pandemic limitations however desires to have one next January. 

Consistently, her developing multitude of grown-up gymnasts get together online through her Facebook bunch, "Very much like fine wine...Adult Gymnastics Group," where individuals break generalizations of what a tumbler is. 

Gymnasts, mentors, and surprisingly past Olympians like Chellsie Memmel have utilized the gathering to bond over their adoration for the game, share their achievements, watch broadcast rivalries together and discover support. 

"Individuals post recordings of mastering another ability, some request help about acquiring a specific expertise, and we have mentors who love to help," Paulhus said. 

The gathering has particularly helped veteran gymnasts discover their local area, as Lori Vollkommer of Center Moriches, Long Island, New York, who got back to contending globally over 30 years after she was told she would never rehash aerobatic due to back injury she'd supported as a young person. 

"She has since proceeded to win gold decorations at global rivalries at 53 years old," Paulhus said. "She has gone to my camp and goes to similar contests I presently go to as an observer."