
Racial Slurs And 'monkey Noises' Targeted California High School Cheerleaders At Football Game, Coach Says 

Minority team promoters from Moreno Valley were called racial slurs by Temecula understudies and heard monkey commotions as they strolled by during a Friday, Aug. 20, secondary school football match-up, their mentor said. 토토사이트



Valley View High School's group was playing at Temecula Valley High School when the meeting team promoters became "survivors of racial assaults," were classified "slanderous and racial slurs, and contacted unpleasantly" by the host group understudies, said Kenya Williams, a Valley View advocate and cheerleading mentor. 

"In the entirety of my years training, I have NEVER experienced such degrees of irreverence and disdain from a contradicting school/group," composed Williams in a Facebook post that evening. 

In a meeting Tuesday, Aug. 24, Williams itemized what occurred during the halftime show. 

Williams said 18 varsity and JV team promoters were welcome to the Temecula Valley High sideline by their cheer commanders to watch the exhibition, which is "standard" in football match-ups. In any case, when the young ladies moved toward the host group's side, "they were met by boos, adequately uproarious to hear from our side of the field, and they said it required a long time to stop," Williams said. 

Temecula Valley High School understudies stage a meeting Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, outside the grounds to help Valley View High School team promoters from Moreno Valley. (Kindness of Becky Sulzmann) 

A gathering of Temecula Valley High School understudies rallies Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, to help Valley View High School team promoters from Moreno Valley, whose mentor said they were designated with racial slurs at a Friday, Aug. 20, 2021, football match-up in Temecula. (Kindness of Becky Sulzmann) 

Temecula Valley High School understudies show Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, outside their grounds to help Moreno Valley team promoters. Their mentor said they were casualties of racial slurs during a Friday, Aug. 20, 2021, football match-up between the Temecula school and Valley View High School. (Graciousness of Becky Sulzmann) 

Understudies at Temecula Valley High School, seen Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021, have been blamed for utilizing racial slurs against team promoters from Valley View High School in Moreno Valley. (Photograph by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

The majority of the team promoters present that evening were young ladies of shading, Williams said. Seven are Black. 

"One of their banner young ladies considered one of my young ladies a B**** for venturing or nearly stepping on her banner," Williams' post said. 

As the Valley View group made a beeline for the lunch room after the halftime show, they passed a segment of host group fans. 

"A gathering of understudies began making monkey commotions," Williams said, "And there were grown-ups in the group who either took part, or didn't try to attempt to stop it." 

As the team promoters advanced toward the jam-packed lunch room, they were "being pushed" and "hindered" by Temecula Valley High understudies, so they connected arms to attempt to remain together, Williams said. While remaining in line, she said Temecula Valley High understudies made snarky, racially-charged remarks towards the group. A few Temecula understudies attempted to snatch the team promoters' hands, and one of the Temecula understudies "even contacted a young lady's hair, a total infringement of her space." 

"Then, at that point they heard remarks saying they were 'on some unacceptable side,' that 'shouldn't be here," Williams said. "That was the last bit of excess that will be tolerated that they felt risky and needed to leave." 

Pioneers at the two schools censured the conduct. Temecula Valley High Principal Allen Williams, in an explanation with the Temecula Valley Unified School District, guaranteed "quick and suitable activity" and a brief examination. 

The region "accepts variety and emphatically censures disdain discourse and hostile, scornful language or racial bigotry of any sort on the games fields, in school structures or anyplace on or off school premises," read the explanation messaged Saturday, Aug. 21, to Temecula Valley High understudies and guardians. "We will hold anybody found to have utilized such language while addressing any of our schools responsible for their words and activities … we perceive that we have work to do in our schools and will keep on endeavoring to advance value, sportsmanship, regard and reasonable play on and off the field."