
All-India Chess Federation, Chess Association Of Ind Merge 

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], August 21 (ANI): After long periods of inside battling, the All-India Chess Federation and the breakaway Chess Association of India have converged into one single substance to manage the game as a bound together power in the country. 메이저사이트

The as of late chosen leader of AICF, Sanjay Kapoor, reported this at a joint question and answer session in Lucknow on Saturday, uncovering that every one of the fighting groups, and at the public level as well as in different states, have now met up under the umbrella of the AICF. 

"I have actually had a few rounds of talks with every one of the partners and have welcomed everyone on similar stage for the improvement of chess and all the chess major parts in the country," Sanjay Kapoor expressed in a delivery. 

"Like different organizations, we also are attempting to put together our yearly occasions and titles because of the Covid pandemic and couldn't bear to let our inside contrasts wreck the game much more," he added. 

"When we shaped the new body, one of our first objectives was to address all the worries of each part and unite everyone for the game," Bharat Singh Chauhan, AICF Secretary, said. 

Aside from the fighting at the public level, chess has experienced an extraordinary arrangement in Uttar Pradesh as well, with two unique bodies - UP Chess Association and UP Chess Sports Association - in constant disagreement in the state. "This has been a long-running fight and as I myself am from Kanpur, I trusted it was my obligation to determine this issue on a need. Today, I am glad to declare that both the gatherings are here," Kapoor added. 

UP Chess Association president PC Chaturvedi (IAS Retd), Sr Vice President of Chess Association of India S L Harsh, and Secretary-General of Chess Association of India and Secretary UP Chess Association SK Tewari were all present at the question and answer session to flag the internment of the ax. 

On this event, Sanjay Kapoor and Bharat Singh Chauhan likewise dispatched the Avijai Chess Academy for players. The All-India Chess Federation, under its new arrangement of office-conveyors, had declared various plans and drives to rejuvenate chess in the country. Be that as it may, the pandemic hit the world following they came to control, counterbalancing their arrangements.