
Cars Won't Bring Better Racing Overnight - FIA 

Equation 1 fans have been cautioned not to anticipate that the new 2022 cars should bring an "overnight" conveyance of close dashing when they are first released. 

F1 is presenting a significant guidelines redo for the following year, and a full-sized idea adaptation of what a 2022 vehicle could resemble was uncovered in front of the British Grand Prix.  메이저사이트



Be that as it may, albeit the ground impact idea has been made with working on the display, the FIA's head of single-seater matters Nikolas Tombazis is careful about expecting a lot of too early. 


"We hope to see nearer dashing, yet perhaps not from the absolute first race on the grounds that possibly someone will get the new principles right and someone wrong," he said. 


"In any case, very soon we hope to see a nearer level of seriousness between the vehicles, and vehicles having the option to follow each other all the more intently." 


With F1 and the FIA having given a great deal of assets to guaranteeing the new guidelines convey better vehicles, Tombazis is likewise certain that the administering body will respond if groups head in plan headings that were not initially proposed. 


"It [better racing] will not occur without any forethought," he clarified. "We will clearly contemplate what arrangements the groups produce, and we will continue to work at it, to improve. 


"Be that as it may, we accept over the long run the hustling will improve sizeably." 


a nearby of a toy vehicle: 20021 F1 vehicle © Autosport.Com 20021 F1 vehicle 


20021 F1 vehicle 


Photograph by: Formula 1 


Tombazis likewise called attention to that the point of the new guidelines was not to fundamentally build surpassing, however just to permit vehicles to follow every more intently. 


"It's anything but such a lot of genuine overwhelming, yet how close they race," he said. "So having the option to follow one another, battle each other all through the race. So that is the thing that we've been attempting to do, principally following up on the optimal design. 


F1 overseeing overseer of motorsport Ross Brawn was confident that the difference in rules for 2022 would stamp the beginning of a thrilling new section for F1. 


"This is the beginning of another excursion, another way of thinking, another culture, where the raceability of these vehicles will be crucial to the fate of F1," he said. 


"Furthermore, for what reason do we do that? We do that since we need to engage the fans, we need to draw in the fans and we need new fans to come into the game. 


"This is a novel new part in our game. Furthermore, these guidelines have advanced to make F1 unquestionably the best hustling scene, and to push our game to the actual front line of worldwide culture and amusement."