
Lincoln The Lover 

At the point when we disappeared from Lincoln and Ann Rutledge in the first paper, Lincoln had quite recently heard that Ann had gone to work in the amicable family of Uncle Jimmy Short at Sand Ridge. Lincoln was upset at the information; he felt as a censure to himself that he was unable to shield Ann from such necessities, and he composed the respectable which letter has come down to me among the other Lincoln souvenirs protected by Ann's cousin and chest companion, Matilda Cameron. 사설토토

'I attempt to convince myself that my unfortunate star has not eclipsed you,' Lincoln composed. 'Molly Prewitt informed me regarding you going to work for James Short's family. You are excessively slight for that difficult work. My cherished one, I should now be remaining among you and such preliminaries. O! At the point when will achievement crown my untiring endeavors. In any case, trust was grinding away just as anxiety. Later in the letter Lincoln communicated it all the more happily: 'I feel unusally lifted with any expectation of assuaging your current concern at an early date and in like manner doing myself the best turn of my life.' 

It was 1834. Lincoln, intensely in the red, filled in as postmaster of New Salem, effectively working on reviewing, and was a contender for the state assembly. James Rutledge and John Cameron had surrendered the work to make an achievement of their New Salem projects and had resigned to what exactly was initially the Cameron ranch at Sand Ridge, a couple of miles away. The more seasoned young ladies in the two families had been constrained to 'work out.' The Cameron ranch had been purchased, before his takeoff from New Salem, by John McNamar, to whom Ann Rutledge had first been locked in. He was an upstanding and innovative youthful shipper who had made surprising progress in an extremely brief time frame. However, he had called himself McNeil on his appearance in the town, and when it became realized that he had been living under an accepted name, doubt was excited. He clarified that when his dad had experienced monetary inverts he had wished to cut himself off from the past and make his fortune unrestricted, yet this clarification did little to set tattle very still. McNamar had left for New York in 1832, promising to return rapidly with his folks, however he didn't advance back to New Salem for a very long time. Whatever correspondence might have passed meanwhile among him and Ann Rutledge at last reached a conclusion. Without a trace of word from him, and drove into uncertainty and doubt by the doubt which his direct had incited, Ann respected the power of another friendship. Lincoln came into her life as a seriously retaining impact, and she gave him an adoration which she was unable to have given McNamar.