
Anyanacho Calls For Focused Taekwondo Board 

Femi Solaja  With under 90 days to the elective congress of all games organizations as specified by the Sports Ministry, one of Nigeria's award trust at this month Olympic Games, Elizabeth Anyanacho, expected a distinct advantage for the following leading group of the Taekwondo Federation of Nigeria. 토토사이트검증



In front of the political race, some outstanding partners have given it a shot and willing to lead the following board. 


Be that as it may, for Anyanacho who is planning to rehash Chika Chukwumerije's decoration winning accomplishment 13 years prior at the Olympics, is driving other youthful Taekwondoists to establish the vibe over the fortune in the country. 


In any case, this long break for Nigeria in the game has gotten people talking over the fortunes of the game in the country. While some taekwondists are of the view that the out-going Margaret Binga-drove leading group of Nigeria Taekwondo Federation has performed well in office, others contend in actuality. 


The 2019 African Games gold medalist, Chinazum Nwosu accepts that under the Binga-drove board, the game has seen a few triumphs particularly as far as competitors positioning, reviewing, and association of competitions. 


"I need to disclose to you that so much has changed under the Binga-drove board particularly with regards to the positioning framework, determination of competitors for significant contests just as Kukkiwon Grading framework. Before the active board, we had no positioning as competitors are chosen haphazardly to address the country. Be that as it may, presently every competitor knows their rating and this is the premise of competitors' determination for significant competitions. The Kukkiwon reviewing framework has truly further developed dissimilar to in the past where things were not done as expected," Nwosu said. 


She added: "The training framework has likewise improved as more mentors are all around refreshed on the most recent standards in the game. I should likewise recognize the endeavors of the Technical Director, Chika Chukwumerije, who has been striving to roll out specific improvements in light of a legitimate concern for the competitors." 


Be that as it may, in contrast to Nwosu, 2019 African Games bronze medalist, Uzuamaka Otunadinma accepts nothing appears to have changed in the game. Truth be told, she faults the Binga-drove board for her powerlessness to contend at the Olympic qualifiers. Her words: "I can't envision myself not going to the qualifiers lastly pass up the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It is simply disappointing that a great deal of competitors have been debilitate with the status quo being run in the organization. As far as I might be concerned, the most recent four years have not been acceptable and unfortunately I can't contend at the Olympic Games," a noticeably disappointed Otunadinma said. 


Nonetheless, Vivian Ndu, three-time public hero, accepts that the Binga-drove load up has taken care of the game with straightforwardness and responsibility which was missing before the load up went ahead load up. "Presently competitors realize that on the off chance that you buckle down you can make the public group. I like their straightforwardness with regards to competitors' determination to significant competitions. Things have truly improved as a few of us outside Lagos and Abuja presently get the opportunity to make the public group since everything is currently founded on merit," Ndu said. 


The 2015 African Games bronze medalist doesn't think little of the commitments of Chukwumerije to the game, saying, "As Technical Director, Chukwumerije has made the game energizing with his extraordinary way of conveying everyone along in whatever they are doing in the NTF. This has enlivened me to work more enthusiastically."