
3 Ways To Get Comfortable With Changing Times
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As entrepreneurs, adaptability is one of the most important skills that make our work relevant and impactful. The more adaptable we are, the more we can stay ahead of the curve and offer new insights that lead to better products and services. The less adaptable we are, the harder it is to survive and overcome economic challenges. 토토사이트

Ultimately, our ability to adapt relies on our speed and accuracy in discerning market trends. One must be able to quickly self-reflect, pivot and push forward in an entirely new direction based on educated expectations of what the future will demand and welcome. This adjustment is not easy, nor is it as heralded as intellectual or emotional intelligence. But I would argue that adaptability is more crucial. 

Throughout my professional career, I have learned that creating the right environment is key to fostering adaptability within a larger community of entrepreneurs. These habits have been critical to building every venture I have undertaken, from Charming Charlie to Boosted Commerce.

1. Embrace diversity
The more diverse an organization is, the more successful it is in achieving its overall KPIs, OKRs and other measurables. In fact, according to a 2019 analysis by McKinsey, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile. This growth is up from 21 percent in 2017 and 15 percent in 2014. 

How is profitability impacted by diversity and inclusion? In my experience, the most inclusive communities have always offered more “diversity of thought” — a critical advantage fostered by design-thinking communities that have spent decades creating some of our most beloved products and services. IDEO, one of the most well-known product design thinking companies in the world, applies a simple philosophy: Bring together people from vastly different backgrounds to design collectively. In fact, studies highlighting intercultural friendships in the workforce have proven this. Doing so creates products that are fostered by embracing more perspectives in the design process, which leads to a larger customer base that feels better understood and represented. This then leads to innovation. A diverse executive team naturally fosters a diverse workforce that magnifies this creative process across all aspects of the team. 

Of course, diversity is not a new topic within entrepreneurial circles, but it must be a consistent one to create the more inclusive spaces that are still needed across all sectors of society. Embracing this mindset leads companies to gain better access to talent that ultimately builds stronger businesses.