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Winged serpent Boat Races At Nathan Benderson Park 

Winged serpent Boat Racing  SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) - On the main few days of October, the National Crew Championships for Dragon boat hustling occurred at Nathan Benderson Park here in Sarasota. 

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The occasion endured three days, and saw groups from everywhere the nation fight for an opportunity to turn into the U.S. Delegate at the Crew World Championship. 

Angela Long, the head rowing trainer at NBP, discussed the developing prevalence of winged serpent boat hustling. 

"It's an intriguing game for individuals to be associated with. I think a many individuals have never known about Dragon Boating, however it's really one of the quickest developing water sports all throughout the planet... I believe it's whenever that World's first has been here in the United States," Long said. 

Winged serpent boat hustling and celebrations return hundreds of years, the story goes, recognizing the quest for the assortment of Qu Yuan, an artist and pastor who got transversely with the decision controls and suffocated himself in 278 BC. The game came to California in 1983 when Shanghai gifted three mythical serpent boats to San Diego; a rivalry was held there and the triumphant group proceeded to win a worldwide contest, the primary group outside of Asia to do as such. 

Each boat is enhanced with a cut wooden winged serpent head — with protruding eyes and sharp teeth — that is fitted into a space at the bow, a long tail at the harsh, and painted mythical beast scales. The head and tail are just brought out during rivalries; during rehearses, similar to the one I joined in, they're put away for supervision. During races, a drummer sits front and center thumping out the beat set by the most grounded paddlers — look at it in this video: