
Golf Caddie Earns Full Scholarship To CU 

Zachary Janczak didn't come from a golf family. They weren't nation clubbers or even end of the week duffers. In any, a few years prior, a visit with a companion started an interest in turning into a caddie. Presently, that late spring position conveying clubs at Lakewood Country Club, is paying off in a monstrous way. 안전놀이터



Janczak, 18, a new alumni from Lakewood High School, has been granted the Chick Evans Scholarship by the Western Golf Association (WGA). 


He is one of 14 Colorado secondary school understudies to get the grant this year. For Janczak, that implies full educational cost, food and lodging to contemplate Finance at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  Janczak says he's cherished his experience on the course and will keep on caddieing all through the late spring. 


"The greater part of the players are as of now very great golf players. Along these lines, generally, our duty as a caddie is to make their experience as agreeable as could really be expected," he said. "A ton of the individuals are truly cool extraordinary individuals to encircle yourself with exceptionally fruitful and kind and savvy, so it's truly cool to work close by those sorts of individuals and furthermore find out about golf." 


He said when he previously discovered the grant existed, he understood what a fantastic open door it very well may be for his family. 


"I perceived how inside two years, I could do it in the event that I buckled down enough, so from that point I truly devoted myself to it," he said. "At the point when we (his family) discovered I got it, we were all blissful. It's something that will be absolutely extraordinary from numerous points of view." 


Janczak likewise figures his innovative soul may have added to his being granted the grant. He as of late began an online business purchasing and selling sports exchanging cards and offering a membership administration to show others the ropes in the exchanging game. 


He says he trusts a degree in money will permit him to discover achievement running a significantly bigger organization of his own later on. In August, he'll be set for Boulder, where he'll be living in a house with other Evans Scholarship beneficiaries. 


Possibility for the grant needed to show a solid caddie record, amazing scholastics, shown monetary need and remarkable person. As indicated by the WGA, in excess of 11,320 caddies have graduated as Evans Scholars since the program was established by renowned Chicago beginner golf player Charles "Chick" Evans, Jr. 


"These meriting youthful understudies typify what our Program has been about since its creation in 1930," said WGA Chairman Kevin Buggy. "Their commitment, difficult work and penance is moving, and we are regarded to have the option to help them seek after their fantasies."