
Dancesport Goes To Schools 

Gombe Junior School spearheaded the drive by dispatching the game formally in their school situated in Kasenge Wakiso region on Friday.  토토사이트

Uganda Dancesport Federation is accepting the game to schools as a component of their arrangement to spread it the nation over. 

Gombe Junior School spearheaded the drive by dispatching the game formally in their school situated in Kasenge Wakiso region on Friday. 

Barnabas Ssebuyungo, the General Secretary of the organization lauded Gombe Junior School for spearheading dance sport in foundations of learning. 

'You are the pioneer school that has been enrolled in advancing the game in Uganda,' expressed Ssebuyungo 

He additionally guaranteed the school head of help in type of labor as the game focuses on the 2024 Olympics. 

Breakdance as an Olympic game is one of the dance trains that were exhibited in the occasion. 

Contemporary dance and Afro-house or beat were different disciplines that were displayed by the artists. 

Reneus Bbosa, a breakdancer told the understudies that this game can take them places. 

'I have had the option to completely change me, ventured to the far corners of the planet, and brought in some cash through taking an interest in dancesport rivalries, "noted Bbosa. 

Bbosa who has been to Nigeria, Kenya, and China and furthermore took part in privately coordinated dancesport contests accepts the game will develop with the fuse of the adolescent.