
This New Moon Yoga Practice Will Open You To The Luck You So Deserve 

As we clear our path through Leo season, we are met with red hot celestial energy that can fuel our certainty and shape significant changes in our lives. This is a period where showing is amazing, as you focus your light intensely any place you go. Consequently, the new moon on August 8 will give you all the karma and wealth you have been looking for. 


This new moon is in the indication of Leo, which expands that certain Leo energy—and the sensation of karma—around you. Nonetheless, it's not simply the new moon that is causing this fortunate change in your life; it falls around the same time as the Lion's Gate gateway. This is viewed as one of the most fortunate days of the year and a significant prophetic occasion. 

The Lion's Gate entryway happens each year during Leo season, and is set apart by the ascending of Sirius, the most brilliant star in the sky. At the point when the Lion's Gate entryway is open, Sirius draws nearer to the earth and lines up with Orion's Belt. 

New moons overall are an incredible opportunity to begin another cycle. Contemplate what you need for sure necessities to change in your life. The Lion's Gate gateway will assist with turning your karma around and give you a plenitude of extraordinary freedoms that you might not have even realized you needed. The great thing about making change in your life is that it is one of a kind to everybody, as is your yoga practice. For all yogis, new moon practice is an incredible method to welcome this karma and change into your life.