
Dundee Businessman Runs Competition For Sports Clubs To Win Defibrillators 

At the point when Dundonian Billy Hosie saw Danish footballer Christian Eriksen breakdown on the pitch, he realized he needed to make a move locally. 토토사이트

The occurrence at the Euro 2020 competition brought back a surge of recollections for the nearby financial specialist. 

At the point when Billy was a teen, a companion passed on from heart failure at a football match. 

He reviewed: "I was around 17 and it was half time in the evolving rooms. 

"A family companion who had been playing had a coronary failure and passed on. 

"It's constantly been a that thing's toward the rear of my brain. 

"However, it was brought to the front line when Christian Eriksen imploded on the pitch during the Euros." 

Overpowering help from local area 

Billy lit Panacea Fire, Security and Data following the organization of McGill, where he was a ranking director. 

His business currently has deals of £1 million per year and he needs to reward the local area. 

So Panacea will part with two defibrillators to nearby games clubs. 

Billy will give two defibrillators to sports clubs in Dundee. 

Which clubs get defibrillators is chosen through a Facebook contest running during Euro 2020. Up until now, more than 2,500 votes have been projected. 

The financial specialist portrays the local area commitment as "overpowering". 

Billy says: "I've devoted an individual from staff to the opposition. To cast a ballot, they like and offer our Facebook page. 

"Then, at that point they private message us with the club they need the vote to go to." 

The club with the most votes before the finish of the Euros will get a defibrillator. A subsequent group will be picked aimlessly. 

Expectations defibrillators will have an effect for Dundee 

Billy intends to give a third defibrillator following Euro 2020. 

However, he desires to give significantly more by including different organizations. 

He says: "It's all essential for a greater methodology to get different organizations to participate. 

"Ideally before the year's over, we will have provided something beyond the two defibrillators." 

Billy desires to see defibrillators all over Dundee later on. 

Angus beautician Marie Ramminger additionally chose make a move after Eriksen's occurrence. She purchased two defibrillators for her salons. 

In the long haul, Billy might want to see each new structure in Scotland fitted with one. 

He says: "We can't do every last bit of it, we'd love to, however as an organization, we can attempt to have an effect for Tayside, and that is what's significant."