
CBC Sports Oral Histories: How A Basketball Team Captivated A Nation, And Inspired A New Generation 

Smith: Once Canada qualified, I think it was fun that they would have been in there. I don't think anyone realized that they would be that acceptable. That was [a] generally new period of the Dream Team, as well. So b-ball at the Olympics had a more noteworthy center due to the American groups there. 온라인카지노

Triano: We had the players' consideration without a doubt, since we were 1-3 in the four games going before the Olympics. 

Meeks: I wish I could really say that it was dazzling, yet the Olympic Games, the manner in which I moved toward it, it resembled another competition. I didn't allow the stage to hinder what I was doing each and every day throughout the previous 15 years before that. 

Barrett: Whether it's a cautious stop, it's a pivot, regardless of whether it's a bounce back, whether it's a shot or a screen or whatever it is at that point, we felt truly sure that our gathering could do that at that time. 

Meeks: [Each day] I got up, went to the weight room, got a lift in, had breakfast, returned to a group meeting, got on the transport, contended, returned to the town, went to go have supper, returned, group meeting, hit the sack, and rehash. 

There's such an almost negligible difference when you get to that phase of having the option to have an award around your neck or returning home without one. 

Canada's initial round of the Olympic competition was against the higher-positioned have group, Australia. 

Barrett: We had gone to Australia the prior year. We had played this group multiple times in their own country. We played them on numerous occasions in various urban areas. We played in Sydney. I think we played in Adelaide. We played them so often that we'd beaten them. They beat us. We beat them. 

Triano: I recall our games clinician, David Cox, coming into the storage space before the principal game and he said, 'We got this, we got this.' I said, 'What do you mean we got this?' And he said, '[The Australian team] are out there marking signatures and waving to the group and everything. Our folks are totally secured. There's no feeling all over. They're secured.' 

Barrett: I simply recall, similar to, OK, we will beat these folks before the entire country, on TV, similar to I think all the pressing factor was with them. 

Smith: Australians are frenzied b-ball fans, and the Canadians didn't appear to be at all irritated by it.