
Russiaville's Indiana Pest Wins Howard County Minor League Tournament 

Festivity — Russiaville's Indiana Pest players are enchanted by the size of their Minor League Championship prize. The players were given individual honors, including second place prizes for Erik's Chevrolet, which lost in a nail-biter last Thursday night. 안전놀이터

John Renfrow 

It's anything but a conflict of the Russiaville titans last Thursday for the Minor League Championship, and after an additional inning and twofold digit runs, one group came out the victor. 

Russiaville's Indiana Pest group scored in the lower part of the seventh inning off a stroll off RBI from Brayden Auth to seal the success 10-9 over Erik's Chevrolet. Fans couldn't request a more cutthroat title game, and the two sides brought their best. Indiana Pest Head Coach Ben Blumenberg talked in the strength of his group late. 

"We moved toward this season two or three objectives. We needed to assist the young men with getting that assuming they played hard, on the off chance that they played savvy, on the off chance that they had a great time, they got an opportunity at any game. And afterward we needed to ensure that we uncovered whatever number players to however many situations as would be prudent this season. Also, I feel that truly permitted them to comprehend the game and constructed some strength in them," Blumenberg said. 

Each player had a lot of heroics, Blumenberg said, and it was essential for Pest to get the success. The two groups played amazing ball the whole game, he said, and it's anything but an incredible day for Russiaville. 

Blumenberg moved to the space from St. Louis a couple of years prior, and he said it's been astounding to perceive how significant youth sports are nearby and how amazing the nature of play is from all age gatherings. He saluted Erik's Chevrolet for its bold exertion in the last game. 

"I told our group, I said, 'Hello, we won today, yet remember those folks around there are an extraordinary ball club, and they're our companions. We go to class with them. So when you shake their hands, you compliment them and you want them to enjoy all that life has to offer,'" Blumenberg said. "Erik's is a hell of a ball club, and those are some extraordinary fathers and incredible mentors that I think, a great deal like us, they were here for more than baseball. They just showed extraordinary sportsmanship."