
Albuquerque Trainer And Her Dog Competing On 'America's Top Dog' Reality Show 

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – A nearby coach and her canine, known for their work in movies and shows like 'Roswell, New Mexico,' are taking their abilities to the public stage. They were chosen out of thousands of candidates for the unscripted TV drama, 'America's Top Dog.' 안전놀이터

Lisa Berry and her American Pit Bull Terrier, Varro, have taken their abilities wherever from the arrangements of movies to canine show contests. After the new unscripted TV drama appeared, they tracked down their next project. "We found out about the opposition after the principal season showed and I knew a portion of the mentors that were a piece of the show," said Berry, who expert trains canines as Custom K9 Performance. "Obviously, when you're sitting behind watching it on television, you're similar to, 'gracious, that is so fun,' or 'goodness, I figure my canine could improve.'" 

Berry applied and following a year-long screening, they got the call. Varro, who was 10 at that point, was chosen from a huge number of candidates to be on 'America's Top Dog' on A&E where he could show his abilities. "At the point when we were applying, they asked us various inquiries about what our canine's abilities are," said Berry. "Would they be able to accomplish chomp work, which is security sports, gnawing the suits. They inquired as to whether they could do dock plunging, aroma identification, spryness, so there's this load of various perspectives to the opposition, itself." 

To plan for the show, Berry and Varro began preparing at Fast Action Dogs in Stanley, N.M. She says it was the ideal preparing in front of making a sprinkle in front of an audience. "We were probably the most seasoned canine there," said Berry. "He truly gave his just for me and on account of his age, I didn't go into the opposition thinking we would have been the best canine. I went into the opposition with no pressing factor just to go out there and mess around with him. He gave me all that he had and I was unable to be more glad for him." 

Berry says it's anything but a chance to show the pit bull breed, frequently painted in a negative light, as aggressive and gifted. She says Varro's youngsters and grandkids are now hitting the dock plunge and expectations this is only the start of their experience on the unscripted TV drama. 

"To go out there and show the public what an American Pit Bull Terrier can do. We truly pushed the variety being adaptable," said Berry. "In the event that there's another chance to accomplish more, I might want to enter a portion of his posterity. I have numerous ages from him and it would be loads of amusing to return for certain more youthful canines and be serious." 

Berry and Varro's scene of America's Top Dog will air on the A&E network on July 13 at 8 p.M. EST/PST. The new season debuts June 29.