
Bernie Goldberg Says Bryant Gumbel Remark Led Him To Quit HBO's Real Sports: Didn't Want To Be On Show Whose Host Thinks 'Bigotry Is Everywhere' 

Recently, Bernard Goldberg discreetly withdrew HBO's Real Sports absent a lot of exhibition after over twenty years on the program. Lately, Goldberg intensified his tranquil exit, destroying the show and now putting his takeoff on have Bryant Gumbel. 토토사이트

In his section for BernardGoldberg.Com, the previous Real Sports benefactor reviewed the show's year-end roundtable on HBO last December. Goldberg highlighted a particular remark from Gumbel during the conversation that caused him to acknowledge he not, at this point needed to be a Real Sports patron. 

"I told the show's host, Bryant Gumbel, that I as of late fixed on watch a National Hockey League season finisher game and heard a player, at a pre-game function, say that, 'bigotry is all over the place,'" Goldberg composes. 

"I disclosed to Gumbel that since I didn't check out get a talk on what a bigoted country America is, I changed the channel. To which Bryant answered: 'Prejudice is all over the place.'" 

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In addition to the fact that Goldberg argues that prejudice isn't all over the place, yet he guarantees "bigotry was never all over" in the United States. 

"It was never in the hearts of the abolitionists. Never in the hearts of those valiant Americans who tested Jim Crow and battled, frequently at incredible danger, for social equality. I know it's anything but wherever on the grounds that it's anything but in my home," composes Goldberg. 

The year-end roundtable was Goldberg's last commitment to Real Sports, authoritatively leaving the show half a month after his conversation of bigotry with Gumbel. "I would not like to be essential for a group whose most noticeable voice imagines that, 'bigotry is all over the place,' and where the other 5 journalists — whose governmental issues range from liberal to extreme left reformist – just stayed there and said nothing," Goldberg added. 

In a tell-all meeting with Bill O'Reilly two months prior, the 76-year-old Goldberg contended he was "variety" for Real Sports, since his traditionalist perspectives contrasted from different reporters. 

The post Bernie Goldberg Says Bryant Gumbel Remark Led Him to Quit HBO's Real Sports: Didn't Want to Be on Show Whose Host Thinks 'Bigotry is Everywhere' first showed up on Mediaite.