
'Things Have Been Swept Under The Rug'; Students Call For Change In Addressing Sexual Assault In Lawrence Schools 

photograph by: Dylan Lysen/Lawrence Journal-World 안전놀이터

A gathering of Lawrence understudies hold signs requiring the Lawrence school area to make a move in further developing strategies for tending to rape and provocation in it's anything but, an educational committee meeting on Monday, June 28, 2021. 

A gathering of current and previous Lawrence High School understudies on Monday requested activity from the school locale to address rape and provocation in schools. 

Around 15 understudies showed up at the Lawrence educational committee meeting holding signs that said "Playing football doesn't pardon your activities," "Equity deferred is equity denied" and "Understudies over sports." 

While the dissent seemed to come from a new occurrence, Rachel Krambeer, a new LHS graduate who addressed the board during its public remark period, said in excess of a couple of occasions of rape and provocation had happened at LHS that she felt had not been tended to. 

"Things have been hidden away from plain view," Krambeer said. "We need change, and we need to improve." 

Krambeer and others approached the board for strategy changes that focus on survivors of rape and badgering and requested that that the locale be more straightforward with regards to researching instances of unfortunate behavior, in addition to other things. 

Before hearing from the understudies, Superintendent Anthony Lewis said the region was focused on understudy security. He said the locale interaction for genuine reports like rape was to impart those reports to law requirement, which then, at that point explores. 

Nonetheless, Lewis noticed that when area disciplinary moves are made, the region doesn't report them openly in light of understudy protection concerns. He said he comprehended that might be baffling for a few however it's anything but a region commitment. 

"It is my expectation that we can cooperate in light of the fact that by the day's end it's our understudies' security that is of most extreme significance to us," Lewis said. "This is something we treat appropriately." 

Furthermore, Board President Kelly Jones said she intended to connect with the individuals who addressed talk about the issue.