
'She Couldn't Handle The Pressure': Furious Row Breaks Out On Twitter As Andy Murray, Gary Lineker And Marcus Rashford Defend Emma Raducanu After Piers Morgan And Kevin ... 

'She was unable to deal with the pressing factor': Furious line breaks out on Twitter as Andy Murray, Gary Lineker and Marcus Rashford safeguard Emma Raducanu after Piers Morgan and Kevin Pietersen scrutinized her 'psychological sturdiness' 토토사이트

Gary Lineker, Andy Murray and Marcus Rashford guarded Emma Raducanu 

Tennis player compelled to resign mid-match during Wimbledon conflict last evening 

Wharfs Morgan said that the 18-year-old 'couldn't deal with the pressing factor and quit' 

Yet, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray hammered the 'brutal' remarks 

By Bhvishya Patel For Mailonline 

Distributed: 14:41 EDT, 6 July 2021 | Updated: 21:14 EDT, 6 July 2021 

Sports stars Gary Lineker, Andy Murray and Marcus Rashford have shielded Emma Raducanu over her Wimbledon exit after a column was lighted over the teen's 'psychological sturdiness'. 

The 18-year-old tennis player had to resign mid-match during the second arrangement of her Wimbledon conflict with Australia's Ajla Tomljanović last night after she started to experience the ill effects of breathing challenges. 

Her withdrawal from the competition saw tennis legend John McEnroe propose that 'it's anything but all in all too much' for the 18-year-old sensation and that she clasped under the pressing factor. 

His perspectives were subsequently repeated by the previous Good Morning Britain have Piers Morgan on Twitter who composed: 'McEnroe came clean. Ms Raducanu's a capable player yet couldn't deal with the pressing factor and quit when she was losing seriously. 

'Not ''valiant'', simply a disgrace. On the off chance that I were her, I'd advise my fans to quit mishandling McEnroe, and look for his recommendation on the best way to strengthen and turn into a hero as was he.' 

The 18-year-old tennis player Emma Raducanu had to resign mid-match during the second arrangement of her Wimbledon conflict with Australia's Ajla Tomljanović last evening 

He added: 'Mental strength and versatility are not filthy words. They're beneficial things that should be instructed, supported, empowered and celebrated from school onwards. 

'This would be tremendously simpler if so numerous high profile individuals quit playing the person in question.' 

Previous England cricketer Kevin Pietersen added: 'Ability is a certain something, yet mental sturdiness is which isolates the great from the incredible in sport! Managing pressure, inappropriate behavior, negative media and so on is HARD, however that is sport. It's requesting. Manage it, or another person will manage it in your place!' 

Jumping to the tennis star's safeguard today, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray hammered the remarks made by the pair and said it's anything but a 'brutal interpretation of the circumstance'. 

He composed: 'No inquiry mental durability can be which isolates the best in sport yet certainly both of you're not making a decision about her psychological strength on the previous match?!' 

In the mean time Match of the Day have Gary Lineker said: 'Happens to potentially anyone, even those that aren't experiencing a potential physical issue or sickness.' 

The previous England striker proceeded to attack Mr Morgan by sharing an image of him strolling off the arrangement of Good Morning Britain. 

Additionally lifting up the tennis star was England footballer Marcus Rashford who composed on Twitter: 'It happened to me playing for the public group in U16s against Wales. I recollect it right up 'til the present time. 

'No clarification for it and it never happened again. You ought to be extremely glad for yourself. The nation is pleased with you. Happy to peruse you're feeling good. Onwards and upwards.' 

Previous Good Morning Britain have Piers Morgan composed on Twitter that Ms Raducanu was a 'skilled player yet couldn't deal with the pressing factor' 

Previous England cricketer Kevin Pietersen added that 'ability is a certain something, however mental sturdiness is which isolates the great from the extraordinary in sport' 

As the line proceeded with Mr Pietersen later asserted his tweet had not been concerning Raducanu's exit. 

He said: 'Only for lucidity, I was only reacting to a solitary tweet that had no reference to tennis by any means. None at all. 

'So I really had no idea about the unique situation. I was on a green yesterday and was commending my best ever round of golf last evening. So kindly unwind?' 

Recently, Raducanu ended her quietness after her emotional exit from Wimbledon and uncovered that she 'began breathing intensely and felt debilitated'. 

The 18-year-old, who needed to quit the fourth round, uncovered that after 'some really extreme meetings' she 'began to inhale vigorously and felt woozy' and was exhorted by her clinical group not to proceed. 

She proceeded to depict how it 'seemed like the hardest thing on the planet not to have the option to complete my Wimbledon on the court' yet promised to 'return more grounded'. 

In an endearing message on Twitter she composed: 'Hey folks, I needed to tell everybody that I'm feeling greatly improved toward the beginning of today. First up I need to salute Ajla on an unfathomable execution and I'm sorry our match finished the manner in which it did. 

'I was playing the best tennis of my life before an astounding group this week and I think the entire experience found me. Toward the finish of the main set, after some really serious assemblies, I began to inhale intensely and felt discombobulated. 

'The clinical group exhorted me not to proceed and, in spite of the fact that it seemed like the hardest thing on the planet not to have the option to complete my Wimbledon on the court, I was not all around ok to continue. 

'I need to thank individuals who have supported me each and every match, I needed to win so gravely for you! I likewise need to thank the All England CLub, my group, the LTA, my folks and companions. 

'Last night will go far to assisting me with realizing the stuff to perform at the top. I will appreciate all that we have accomplished together this week and returned more grounded. Can hardly wait to perceive what's next on my excursion.' 

Jumping to the tennis star's safeguard today, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray hammered the remarks 

Previous England striker Gary Lineker said minutes like those accomplished by Raducanu 'happen to potentially anyone 

Britain football star Marcus Rashford disclosed to Raducanu she had made the nation glad 

As the column proceeded with Mr Pietersen later guaranteed his tweet had not been regarding Raducanu's exit 

During a meeting with the BBC, where the star was seen wearing an England football shirt, she said: 'I'm doing great thank you for inquiring. 

'I'm feeling much better today so I'm only happy to have recuperated this rapidly. 

'I think at the time on Court One the environment was by and by fantastic to play before, I'm clearly extremely disillusioned to not complete the match. 

'I incredibly needed to contend and make an honest effort however the clinical counsel was to pull out and yes I followed this is on the grounds that I think their recommendation was the awesome the end. 

'I thought that it was extremely hard to control my relaxing. It was stressed by some extremely long revitalizes that we had towards the finish of the principal set which made it intense for me to keep my poise and the taking within proper limits. 

'And afterward toward the start of the subsequent set was the point at which I battled with it the most and I called the coach on and settled on the choice toward the finish of the changeover. 

'I don't have a clue what caused it. I think it's anything but a blend of all that has gone on in the background somewhat recently and an amassing of the fervor, the buzz, and I believe it's an incredible learning experience for me going ahead, it's an extraordinary advance forward. 

'Presently next time ideally I will be more ready.' 

The 18-year-old uncovered that after 'some really extraordinary assemblies' she 'began to inhale intensely and felt mixed up' and was prompted by her clinical group not to proceed 

Addressing the BBC today, Raducanu said she 'thought that it was extremely hard to control her breathing' during the match 

It comes after her previous mentor said she will put her Wimbledon dissatisfaction behind and bob back more grounded than any time in recent memory. 


Hello there folks, I needed to tell everybody that I'm feeling vastly improved toward the beginning of today. First up I need to compliment Ajla on an amazing execution and I'm sorry our match finished the manner in which it did. 

I was playing the best tennis of my life before an astounding group this week and I think the entire experience found me. Toward the finish of the primary set, after some really extraordinary meetings, I began to inhale intensely and felt lightheaded. 

The clinical group exhorted me not to proceed and, despite the fact that it seemed like the hardest thing on the planet not to have the option to complete my Wimbledon on the court, I was not all around ok to continue. 

I need to thank individuals who have applauded me each and every match, I needed to win so seriously for you! I likewise need to thank the All England CLub, my group, the LTA, my folks and companions. 

Last night will go far to assisting me with realizing the stuff to perform at the top. I will appreciate all that we have accomplished together this week and returned more grounded. Can hardly wait to perceive what's next on my excursion. 


Clint Harris, who observed the previous match with her family, said the mishap was only a 'evade' and she would gain from it. 

In the mean time her dad said last night he and 'numerous individuals' were 'glad for' the youthful expert after she had to withdraw from Wimbledon following 'breathing troubles'. 

The 18-year-old star's fantasy run reached a conclusion when she resigned mid-match during the second arrangement of her Wimbledon conflict with Australia's Ajla Tomljanovic. 

It was subsequently uncovered the Bromley young person had endured issues with her breathing during the match. However, her dad, Ian Raducanu, later recommended that the intensity of the competition may have been a factor. 

Raducanu uncovered that preceding her Court One appearance, she had just played before around 100 individuals, as she named her Wimbledon experience 'the greatest seven day stretch of my life'. 

She added: 'I think it's anything but another experience playing under the rooftop with the lights. 

'It was unquestionably stronger, it's anything but somewhat more sultry. So to get comfortable toward the start, I consider both us had somewhat of a brazen beginning yet I think we began to play our direction in. 

'Furthermore, there was a nearby game, four all, I several break focuses. By and by the group was stunning. They were totally behind me and I'm not really good or bad thankful. 

The player went on: 'I've had the best a great time. This entire week has recently been totally extraordinary. I've never felt support like it. 

'I'm simply not really good or bad thankful for everyone who supported me during the matches and the entirety of the messages I have gotten through online media. 

'I just might simply want to thank without question, each and every individual who reached out and upheld me somewhat recently.' 

Positioned 338th on the planet toward the beginning of the competition, Raducanu, who as of late finished her A-level tests, surpassed assumptions as she turned into the most youthful British female to make it into the second week at Wimbledon since Christine Truman in 1959. 

Canadian-conceived Raducanu, who last week turned into the most youthful British lady to make it to the second week at SW19 since 1959, was taken off court requiring clinical treatment in the wake of losing the principal set 6-4 to Tomljanovic prior to resigning 3-0 down. 

She was seen gripping her stomach during the subsequent set prior to stopping the competition to the shock of her fans inside and outside No1 Court. 

Raducanu had become the country's last any desire for progress at Wimbledon after British genius Sir Andy Murray slammed out last week. 

Recently, US tennis legend John McEnroe proposed 'it's anything but all in all too much' for Raducanu after he told moderator Clare Balding that she clasped under the pressing factor and got 'enthusiastic'. 

McEnroe said: 'I feel terrible for Emma, I mean clearly it got - it seems it's anything but all in all too much, as is justifiable, especially the thing we've been discussing throughout the previous a month and a half. 

'What amount would players be able to deal with? It makes you take a gander at the folks that have been near and the young ladies for such a long time, how well they can deal with it. 

'These folks that can keep their self-control and the young ladies out there are totally astounding - so we need to see the value in the players that can do it so well and ideally she will gain from this experience.' 

The 18-year-old star quit mid-match during the second arrangement of her Wimbledon conflict with Australia's Ajla Tomljanovic 

Raducanu goes off court for a clinical time frame out in her Ladies' Singles Fourth Round match against Ajla Tomljanovic 

Recently, US tennis legend John McEnroe proposed 'it's anything but all in all too much' for Raducanu 

Sitting alongside McEnroe, ex-British No1 Annabel Croft said: 'I figure she will adapt to it quite well, and I believe it's about not understanding anything, not looking a lot at your telephone. 

'I hear (Rafael) Nadal discussing it consistently when he alludes to adolescents coming through. 

'He generally says... It's about the group keeping her feet on the ground and simply working each day as she has since she was a young lady to attempt to be a superior tennis player consistently.' 

Brought into the world in Canada to a Romanian dad and a Chinese mother, Raducanu moved to Britain at two years old and experienced childhood in London. She originally got a racquet matured five and played at Bromley Tennis Academy from the age of ten. 

On her Instagram page, the rising star references her worldwide roots posting London, where she lives now, Toronto, where she was conceived and the two urban areas where her folks are from Bucharest in Romania and Shenyang in China. 

Her double legacy stays essential to her and she's spoken affectionately of family members across the globe, saying: 'My grandmother, Mamiya, actually lives in focal Bucharest. I two or three times each year, stay with her, see her. It's truly decent. I love the food, truth be told. 

'That is to say, the food is extraordinary. What's more, my grandmother's cooking is likewise something extraordinary. I do have connections to Bucharest.' 

Weeks prior, the teen was sitting A-Levels in Economics and Maths at Newstead School in Orpington, Kent. 

Raducanu has been depicted as a 'model understudy' by her educators at the specific young ladies' sentence structure school. She accomplished three 9s, and four 8s in her GCSEs and is anticipating the consequences of her maths and financial matters A-levels. 

Her PE educator Sarah Eells, said it was 'enthusiastic' watching Raducanu 'accomplish her fantasy' and that the young person was a 'good example and a motivation' to different students.