
Jim Souhan: A Terrible Idea? A Thrilling Ride? These Olympics Probably Will Be Both. 

a green seat: This image shows the Olympic Rings and void seats at the Sea Forest Waterway paddling scene in front of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo on July 18, 2021. © BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/TNS This image shows the Olympic Rings and void seats at the Sea Forest Waterway paddling scene in front of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo on July 18, 2021. 안전놀이터

The Star Tribune is sending Rachel Blount and me to Tokyo on Monday to survey the new Olympic witticism: Faster, Higher, Stronger, Greedier. 

We are zooming all throughout the planet to visit a country that doesn't need us there, to work in a city encountering a COVID-19 closure, for an occasion that will make the most extravagant individuals at the IOC and NBC more extravagant. 

My feelings aren't blended — they're isolated. 

The entire thing vows to be a horrendous thought shoddy, and I can hardly wait to arrive. 

Considerably under the best of conditions, the Olympics can be peculiar, and by the best of conditions I mean when the Games are in Vancouver or London, places where you stay in a nice lodging and the locals are not wishing you remained at home. 

Covering American games resembles going to your local supermarket. Covering the Olympics resembles scrounging. You may discover heavenly berries. You may discover toxic berries. You may run into outsiders and compound a worldwide pandemic. 

Jim Souhan wearing formal attire grinning and taking a gander at the camera: Jim Souhan is a games reporter for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. © TOM WALLACE/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS Jim Souhan is a games reporter for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. 

Honestly, the competitors are consistently dynamite, the narratives are continually convincing and I'm happy we're going. It is in every case great to have covered the Olympics. It's simply not in every case great to cover the Olympics. 

My first Olympic experience was in Turin, where I discovered that the Italians make transports that can execute a fastener turn on the Alps while the back part of the transport — where tenderfoots like me decided to sit — swings out over a 2-mile drop. 

I discovered that the great individuals of Turin, Italy, considered the Olympics an optimal strategy for making endless gridlocks. We remained in sodden, cracked "residences" with collective showers that were likely important for a jail until the detainees revolted over the soggy, defective rooms. 

Watching Lindsey Vonn execute a controlled tumble down the side of the Alps and watching European hockey fans wear amusing caps into interesting fields made it all beneficial. 

In Beijing, we shared pleasant condos yet invested practically the entirety of our energy inside the Berlin, I mean, Beijing Wall. To get nice food you needed to leave the thorned wired security zone, so we didn't go out a lot. The one time picture taker Carlos Gonzalez and I made it's anything but a decent eatery, we requested by pointing at menu things and got plates of what resembled vivified linguine. With eyes. That flickered. 

Vancouver is a fabulous city and an optimal host for the Winter Games. London was an impact due to the simplicity of getting around and correspondence and the notable worth of the scenes. 

Rio de Janeiro was captivating. We remained in apartments that felt like they had been spackled along with Elmer's Glue and pigeon manure, yet the sea shore, the climate, the competitors, the food and drink and sights made you need to return, regardless of whether the favela loomed over the city like unique sin. 

The competitors and contests will consistently be convincing. The IOC is consistently bad and covetous. The factors are the host urban communities, and whether they invest heavily in the Games, or think of them as an aggravation or a money get. 

The Japanese public don't need guests at the present time, and their anxiety is reflected in what our companions have educated us regarding the appearance interaction. We have been informed that a few columnists showing up before the expected time needed to remain in line for nine hours to traverse testing conventions and customs. 

What's bizarre is that the Tokyo Games are prohibiting fans and investigating immunized columnists however permitting unvaccinated competitors in. 

I would rather not single out any Olympic competitors, since they venture into the spotlight so once in a while, however on the off chance that you couldn't care less Team USA to get immunized, you ought to travel Tuscaloosa, not Tokyo. 

Rachel and I have been advised we should round out a 14-day action organizer, that our developments will be followed by GPS, that we should isolate for a couple of days, then, at that point go through day by day testing. 

Which would all be fine, if the IOC and the Tokyo Games understood what they were doing, and weren't arranging a redirection to guarantee the Japanese individuals that they care about their wellbeing. 

On the off chance that the IOC thought often about their wellbeing, they wouldn't permit unvaccinated competitors to fly in. 

On the off chance that the IOC truly thought often about their wellbeing, they wouldn't lead the Games in Tokyo during a pandemic. 

So kindly wish us best of luck, and the Japanese individuals great wellbeing, and how about we trust we would all be able to get past this together. Yet, separated. However, perhaps together. Yet, presumably for the most part separated.