
Sushi And Sports Play Well Together At Agua Chiles Sushi Bar In Northridge 

I tallied 85 sushi rolls of different intrigue at Agua Chiles Sushi Bar, which is presumably the most active eatery in the food-escalated Northridge University Center Shopping Mall (which sits across Reseda Boulevard from the Northridge University Plaza Shopping Mall) — a couple of focuses which feed the youthful researchers from close by Cal State pretty much every cooking known. 온라인카지노

Also, those youthful researchers rush to the focuses by the thousand — from those glad to pummel down a Whopper and fries for supper (ah! To be youthful with a solid metal stomach related parcel!)… to the individuals who head for Agua Chiles for some purpose mixed drinks, and an entire wreck of silly rolls. Also, for the round existing apart from everything else too — for TVs encompass visitors in the single long room, with sports on all of them. It's a sushi bar! It's a games bar! It's the awesome all potential universes! 

Agua Chiles was the main café, post-pandemic limitations, I went to that was in reality full. It's anything but a Saturday night, the Lakers were playing, and the group was protesting in the streets to support them — some with a Lakers Roll close by (shrimp tempura, crayfish, and avocado inside; hot fish, avocado, garlic mayo, fiery mayo, eel sauce, aguachiles sauce and scallions, enveloped by kelp or soy paper). Which has… how to manage the Lakers? Nothing, obviously. Be that as it may, as enthusiasts of sushi bars with outlandish moves understand, the names of the manifestations infrequently have a lot to do with what you're eating. They're simply… smart names. 

What's more, at Agua Chiles, smart names are all over, with tangled manifestations joined to them. What, for example, is an Armadillo Roll? What about hot crab, "thick pieces" of shrimp tempura, avocado and zesty mayo? (Also, indeed, the word utilized most much of the time at Agua Chiles is presumably "hot." And not exclusively are the rolls hot, they're large too. The driving guideline where is … "more will be more!") 

You feel like a Dirty Hawaiian Roll? Expect your mouth loaded up with shrimp tempura, avocado and cucumber inside, and burned fish, jalapeño, Sriracha Habanero Sauce and diablo sauce outside. A Black Tiger Roll is shrimp tempura, zesty crabmeat and cucumber inside; and unagi, avocado, "crunch" (that is all it says!), hot mayo, eel sauce and Sriracha outside. The Baked Don J is a California Roll with heated crayfish and scallops, finished off with "Wear J Sauce." And no, I have no clue about what that is. Be that as it may, when in a taking care of furor at Agua Chiles, it doesn't a lot matter. 

I've since quite a while ago considered how the folks behind the sushi bar, working constant, suffocating with orders on a bustling evening (and I think each night here is occupied!) figure out how to monitor which rolls they're making. I likewise keep thinking about whether it truly matters. I'm not recommending a relaxed disposition toward roll creation. Yet, so many of the rolls are so close in fixings, I don't know it is important if each of the three of the sauces are slathered on. I mean would anybody have the option to tell? 

There are in any event 85 assortments of sushi at Agua Chiles Sushi Bar in Northridge. (Photograph by Merrill Shindler) 

Agua Chiles Sushi Bar in Northridge in all actuality is a sushi AND sports bar. (Photograph by Merrill Shindler) 

With that much sauce on a roll, the flavors kind of mix together. However long we're not managing for hypersensitivities, does it truly matter if the zesty mayo, the eel sauce and the Sriracha are on the Black Tiger Roll? On the off chance that it's the house sauce rather than the eel sauce, I speculate it will taste fine and dandy. Furthermore, in any case, after the two or three pieces, things will in general get somewhat chaotic — as many a roll hits the table. 

Thus substantially more. For Agua Chiles has a menu loaded with dishes both recognizable, and stand-out. Guacamole (in a Japanese café!) encompassed by "seared fish chips." Not fried fish and French fries — yet "fish chips." There's a choice of Chinese bao also. However, not bao like you'll discover in any Chinese eatery. The K Bao is Korean kalbi, kimchi and garlic aioli. The Pineapple Bao is teriyaki chicken, onion and pineapple sauce. The Spicy Pork Bao is pork tummy with apple, carrot and kimchi. (Apple? Truly?) and the Smiling Tiger Bao is shrimp tempura, kimchi, hot mayo and Sriracha. Blend and match the rolls as you wish. Or then again get them with hot garlic "Howl Sauce." 

There are a bread cook's dozen sashimi alternatives, with a plenty of sauces served in all of them — for the individuals who don't need their crude fish served exposed. Also, for the individuals who would prefer to get to their Michelada, or their lager pitcher, without a lot of interruption, there are various mix plates. Like the Fuego Deal of any six rolls for $70. Or then again the Razzo Platter of four heated rolls and six bao for $65. All that — in addition to the Dodgers wherever you turn. 

It's even simple to stop in the shopping center part. Furthermore, there's a Vons there – in the event that you need a few veggies to consume less calories tomorrow. Eat enough rolls, and this eating regimen food ain't so dietary no more. 

Merrill Shindler is a Los Angeles-based independent feasting pundit. Email [email protected]

Agua Chiles Sushi Bar 

Rating: 2.5 stars 

Address: 9129 Reseda Blvd., Northridge 

Data: 818-812-9613; www.Aguachilessushi.Com 

Food: Japanese Fusion 

At the point when: Lunch and supper, consistently 

Subtleties: Beer and purpose; reservations fundamental 

Costs: About $30 per individual 

Recommended dishes: 5 Salads ($4.85-$13.85), 10 "New" Rolls ($12.85-$13.85), 21 Tempura Rolls ($12.85-$14.85), 16 Baked Rolls ($12.85-$15.85), 18 Specialty Rolls ($13.85-$15.85), 20 Maki Rolls ($4.50-$7.85), 17 Two-Piece Nigiri Sushi ($4.85-$5.85) 

Cards: MC, V 

What the stars mean: 4 (World class! Worth an outing from anyplace!), 3 (Most incredible, even extraordinary. Worth an excursion from anyplace in Southern California.), 2 (A decent spot to go for a feast. Worth an outing from anyplace in the area.) 1 (If you're ravenous, and it's close by, however don't stall out in rush hour gridlock going.) 0 (Honestly, not worth expounding on.)