Triathlon expo NY – Know basic rules!

Reading rule book for triathlon expo NY is the boring task. For the participants there are a number of things that should be done such as concentrating on the diet, taking naps, to be trained thoroughly and more. In case it is your first year at the triathlon then following rules is very important. Know basic rules if you are planning to participate in running expo NY.
For the beginners, it is certainly a complicated competition. It is vital to follow the rules in case you do not want to get penalized. Keep a few rules in mind when preparing for the NY tri expo:
Rule #1: Don't listen to the music
You need to be attentive to participate in the race. This race is combination of swimming, cycling and running. You need to be attentive to participate in the event. Generally while running or walking, people have habit of listening music through iPod. Music can be great for entertainment. Say no to music in the training session itself.
Second rule: Maintain cleanliness
Generally for running expo NY events people generally try to carry power bar wrappers and gel packs. You can carry these in your triathlon clothing. You are not allowed to throw wrappers or gel tab on the racing track. It becomes a serious problem you do so. So maintain cleanliness while participating in such event.
Third rule: Don't take help form near and dear ones
Family and friends are available to cheer you in sidelines. You cannot take help from them or can ask for any eatables or drinks during the course of event. During such events you will get medical help and also sports drinks from organizer. So there is no need for you to take help of near and dear ones. Don't get carried away and remember this rule while participating in triathlon expo NY. If you want to stay away from penalty, then inform your dear ones to not shout your time. Maintain your pace and ensure that your loved ones do not keep a tab on time taken and the shout it loud in public.
Fourth rule: Less travel in transition space
You might find a huge parking in case the people participating are many. In the parking lot it might be tough for you to park a bike. See to it that while taking transition from swimming to cycling event, you don't have to travel a lot in transition area. Thus it is advised to not travel more in transition area to save time.
Rule #5: Put your helmet
Buckle your helmet for not getting penalized. In case you fix your helmet while riding the cycle then it might affect you in a negative manner. Buckle up your helmet before the triathlon expo NY begins. Read more about it .