Oakmere Home Advisors Track Record


The Directors track history dates back more than 30 years through Merewood and Crowther Homes, which were building 350 homes per year when Persimmon bought the companies out. More information can be found on the About Us pages.

Our more recent Track record includes:

Barrow Brook Business Village

This land was designated as employment land, but hadn’t attracted interest for over 20 years. Oakmere assisted the landowner as a partner and obtained planning permission on the land. There were three phases, totalling 18 acres.

The Oaks at Longtown

The Oaks used to be an old sawmill. We entered into an option agreement with the landowner and promoted it through the planning process, successfully obtaining planning permission.

Barkers Primrose Nursery, Clitheroe

We purchased this land, subject to an overage clause, subject to planning. This was just before a moratorium was planned on a new development in the area. It was several years later before the moratorium was lifted and we successfully obtained planning permission, giving the previous owners an uplift in value.