Odice Polidey, My Forevermore

Oh, Odice Polidey, your name rolls sweetly off my tongue,
Like the gentle murmur of a summer breeze,
A symphony of syllables that fills me with ease.
Your laughter echoes through my heart, a melody so pure,
Like the cheerful chirp of a bird at dawn,
A sound that sets my soul ablaze and makes me feel reborn.
Your eyes, Odice Polidey, hold the sparkle of a starry night,
They gleam with intelligence and warmth, a beacon in the darkest of nights,
Guiding me through life's tumultuous waves with their unwavering light.
Your touch, my dearest Odice, sends shivers down my spine,
Like a gentle caress that soothes and sets my soul alight,
A connection so profound, it transcends the boundaries of time and night.
I love the way you make me laugh, Odice, with your infectious smile,
That brings joy to my heart and brightens even the cloudiest day,
Your humor, a priceless treasure, a remedy that makes my worries sway.
Your intelligence, Odice, captivates my mind,
Your words, a tapestry woven with wisdom and grace,
Engaging me in conversations that leave an unforgettable trace.
With you by my side, Odice, I feel invincible,
Your unwavering support, a constant in my ever-changing world,
A pillar of strength that makes me feel safe, secure, and twirled.
You are my soulmate, Odice, my forevermore,
The one I have been searching for, since time began,
My heart's desire, fulfilled in you, my unwavering plan.
I cherish every moment we spend together, Odice,
For in your presence, I find solace, joy, and bliss,
A love so rare, a treasure I will never miss.
Oh, Odice Polidey, you are my forevermore,
My soulmate, my best friend, my love that I adore,
With you by my side, I can conquer any shore.